Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 He destroyed my face. Set me on my path to so-called villainy. All that I have done lies at his feet. Yet he was hailed as a champion and I as evil. Quote2
Doctor Doom[src]


Mister Fantastic's history is presumably similar to his Earth-616 counterpart's. He was a member of the Illuminati. It's unrevealed if he voted to exile The Hulk into space.[1] His fate following the nuclear war that devastated Earth is unrevealed.[2]

During the confrontation between the Hulk and the Maestro, the Maestro teased the Hulk by telling him that his presence at the time indicated the lack of vision on the part of his opponents by looking for him as his opponent, instead of people like Thor who could have opposed with his strength, or even better the Fantastic Four with the genius of Reed Richards at their helm.[3]



See Also

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