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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Synchronicity II"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Concussion Cannon


Synopsis for "Synchronicity II"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

The long-awaited return of DEATH'S HEAD -- one of the biggest hits of the original Marvel UK! Death's Head! Death's Head II! On an adventure together for the first time EVER! What threat could be grave enough to bring these two heroes together from across time? How about the villainous Mys-Tech organization resurfacing with an army?!


  • After taking control of Death Head's II, Dr. Evelyn Necker think of calling him Minion, revealing the origin of his codename from Death's Head II.
  • It hinted that Dr. Evelyn Necker is also the creator of the Death's Head 3.0 units of Earth-616.
  • Death's Head incorrectly refers to himself as Personality Vol 1 106 downloaded by Minion. He was actually Personality Vol 1 105.
    • Minion refers to himself as Death's Head, Mark II after he became the dominant personality.


  • Death's Head II mentioning he fought giant alien robots likely references his time in the Transformers Universes when he was the original Death's Head

See Also

Links and References

