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Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 No need for that any longer -- Clean, clean salabeem! Ta-daaa! I don't really have to say that to use my powers, but what the hey! Quote2
Edifice Rex[src]



Rex Randolph was just an average craftsman working for Damage Control. All that changed one day when Rex found a glowing green orb in the debris of the aftermath of a superhuman battle. Ignoring the warning from his supervisor Lenny Ballinger, Rex picked up the artifact and was instantly transformed into a green giant. Imbued with vast cosmic powers, Rex immediately left his job flying off to his destiny.[2] Little did he know that his destiny was actually on Earth.[1]

Cosmic Being[]

Nearly two year later and donning the moniker Edifice Rex, Rex reappeared on Earth. Using his cosmic anal-awareness, Rex was alert to damage occurring at Yankee Stadium. Although he pledged his allegiance to the mission of Damage Control, Rex tried to accomplish his mission by imprisoning the New Warriors. Luckily, John Porter was able to distract Rex with a suggestion that he clean up the Asteroid Belt.[1]

While cleaning the Asteroid Belt, Rex decided that he could clean the whole universe by undoing the Big Bang.[3] Unpleased with his plan, Lord Chaos and Galactus called together Cosmic Congress. When the Cosmic Congress chose not to act, Silver Surfer and Damage Control quickly returned to Earth to gather Earth's mightiest heroes to stop Edifice Rex. However, Rex was ultimately stop by Robin Chapel and fired Rex from Damage Control, stopping him from cleaning anything.[4]


Power Grid[6]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Incalculable:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


After touching a glowing orb at a disaster left behind from a superhero battle, Edifice Rex was imbued with vast cosmic powers including:

  • Cosmically Anal-Retentiveness: Edifice Rex's powers allow him to near instantaneously clean, repair, and restore any damage or disarray to his surroundings. Although not needed to activate his powers, Edifice Rex usual proclaims "Clean, clean salabeem!" when using this ability.[1] These powers are near-limitless.[3]
    • Anal-Awareness: As part of being cosmically anal-retentive, Edifice Rex can predict disasters before they even occur.[1]
  • Superhuman Strength[2][1]
  • Flight: In addition to self-propelled flight,[2] Edifice Rex can also fly through hyperspace (usually becoming an energy ball when doing so).[1]
  • Self-Sustenance: Edifice Rex can survive in the vacuum space without the need for nourishment, water, or oxygen.[1]
  • Size and Shape Alteration: He can alter his size and shape at will.[1][4]


  • His alias appears to be a play on Oedipus Rex, the classical play.

See Also

Links and References

