Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Dick Dauntless' is the orphaned child of deceased Air Force personnel, and like Mike Moran, he was used by The Spookshow as a test subject in Project Zarathustra. In 1954 was given the ability to change places in space and time with a superpowered cellular replicate, Young Miracleman, through the use of the magic word, “Miracleman.” As with Mike Moran/Miracleman, all of Dickie Dauntless/Young Miracleman's thoughts and memories are shared between the two bodies, while the body occupying infra-space has no consciousness and does not age.[citation needed]



Psionics: Like all other members of the Miracleman Family he can switch his body with a superpowered one with vast psionic abilities. Over time, Young Miracleman will steadily increase in power.

  • Superhuman Strength: Young Miracleman is strong enough to give Miracleman a bloody lip.[4]
  • Invulnerability
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Self-Propelled Flight: Young Miracleman can fly at great speeds.[4]
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Longevity
  • Force-fields
  • Concussive Energy Blasts: He has the potential to gain greater energy manipulation powers.
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis


Scientific Genius-Level Intellect


  • It is possible that his counterpart on Earth-238 could be Rick, the husband of Captain UK.

See Also

Links and References

