Marvel Database


Robert Drake was a member of the X-Men, capable of turning himself into living ice. During Magneto's attack on the X-Mansion, Iceman fought with Pyro, freezing him solid. He then joined Cyclops, Jean Grey & Storm, as the four worked on evacuating the remaining students. The four were then sent a threatening video message by Magneto. Taking the secret passageway to Cerebro, the four found Magneto and Mystique, disguised as Professor X, with the tesseract. Easily able to see through Mystique's disguise, Jean and Iceman pursued the two as they fled, while Cyclops and Storm went to take protect the students. As the two chased Magneto & Mystique, they were joined by Beast. Upon reaching the Hangar, however, the three were attacked by Juggernaut and a group of Acolytes as Magneto and Mystique fled. Jean and Iceman used their powers to weaken Juggernaut before Beast removed Juggernaut's helmet, allowing Jean to control his mind, letting her and Iceman incapacitate Juggernaut and take him into custody. [1]

Going to a trip to the circus, Bobby found Black Widow and Hawkeye out on a date. Iceman joined them, acting as an unknowing Gooseberry until Nightmare arrived to take over the circus. The trio took to work, with Ghost Rider joining them to help take down Nightmare. The trio fought projections of Nightmare's image whilst constructing ramps for Ghost Rider so he could ram into his true form. Ultimately, Nightmare was defeated. [1]



Seemingly those of the Robert Drake of Earth-616.


Seemingly those of the Robert Drake of Earth-616.

See Also

Links and References

