“Of course, he'll consider his options... and find he has none. He will go, knowing with absolute certainty that he is playing right into my hands! Knowing that with this step he goes far, far beyond law, beyond any hope of redemption. Knowing that whatever blood now flows... will be on his hands!”
—The Old Man
Appearing in "Beyond the Law! Part 1"
Featured Characters:
- RoboCop (Officer Alex J. Murphy)
Supporting Characters:
- Detroit Police Department
- Officer Manes (First appearance; dies)
- Officer Anne Lewis
- Sergeant Warren Reed
- Captain Serra (First appearance)
- Officer Wannaka (First appearance)
- Officer Hulf (First appearance)
- Officer Bryson (First appearance)
- Omni Consumer Products
- RoboCop (Col. Frederic Lac)
- "The Old Man"
- Fat Matt
- Austin (First appearance)
- Kol (First appearance)
- Weazel (First appearance; dies)
- Daniel Mozka (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Lot's Wife (Mentioned)
- "John Doe" (Mentioned)
- President Poledouri (First appearance) (Appears on screen)
- Media Break (Appears on screen)
- Helen (Appears on screen)
- President Dia Ramirez (Photo)
- Ellen Murphy (Only in recap)
- Jimmy Murphy (Only in recap)
- Aza (Name revealed)
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and recap)
- Ghouls (Mentioned)
- Cows (First appearance; corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Cyborgs
- Pigs (Mentioned)
- Crows (Mentioned)
- Earth
- North America
- United States of America
- Michigan
- Detroit
- Old Detroit
- Dewbuck High (Referenced)
- Metro West Police Precinct
- Lite 'N' Easy (First appearance)
- Junction and McGill (Mentioned)
- Riverside Boulevard (Mentioned)
- New Detroit
- One OCP Plaza
- OCP Tower
- One OCP Plaza
- Old Detroit
- Detroit
- Washington, D.C. (First appearance) (Appears on screen)
- White House (First appearance) (Appears on screen)
- Washington Dulles International Airport (Mentioned)
- Michigan
- United States of America
- South America (First full appearance)
- San Arica (First appearance)
- El Salvador (Mentioned)
- Nicaragua (Mentioned)
- North America
- Turbocruisers
Synopsis for "Beyond the Law! Part 1"
- Synopsis not yet written