Marvel Database

Appearing in "No Place Like Home!"

Featured Characters:

  • Rom (Main story and recap)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:





Synopsis for "No Place Like Home!"

The Skrull saucer that Rom borrowed from the Fantastic Four emerges from hyperspace. Rom scans the heavens for any sign of Galador’s twin suns but sees nothing and, frustrated, he believes himself lost in space. A flicker on the view screen catches his visual receptors attention as a number of objects approach. These are soon revealed to be skimmer-mounted Syfon Warriors led by Powerhouse and the young Nova (Richard Rider). They immediately fire upon the Skrull saucer which has invaded Xandarian space and Rom, his rocket pods now repaired, comes forth to deal with his attackers. Powerhouse attempts to drain Rom but is himself drained by the Galadorian armor. Nova attacks and is swatted away as Rom pronounces himself not a Skrull but from Galador and most recently Earth. This brings a stop to the fighting as Nova wants an explanation. Rom tells of his mission and the evil of the shape-shifting Dire Wraiths.

The group then proceed to Xandar to see Queen Adora and to find out if the Xandarian Living Computers can locate Galador. As they talk, the mile-long ship bearing the Nova Corps arrives. A welcome is prepared and a party beams to the surface only to reveal themselves as disguised Skrulls who immediately open fire on the populace. Rom battles the Skrulls as Nova attempts to find the real Nova Corps. He approaches the ship only to see that Diamondhead has betrayed the Corps and is now targeting him. Nova rams the ship, opening it to the vacuum of space and dooming the Skrulls present. He then confronts Diamondhead and thrusts him into deep space with his allies. Nova then uses the ‘Phaser’ to bring the Nova Corps back in phase and release them. They then return to Xandar to find Rom and the populace, led by Queen Adora, battling the remaining Skrulls. The rest are soon mopped up and sent in defeat back to the Skrull home world.

Richard Rider's wish to return to Earth is granted but only after he's told that his Nova powers must remain on Xandar. He is teleported back to Earth and arrives just outside his family's home where he wonders how they have dealt with his long absence.

The Protector is able to ascertain that Galador and the entire Golden Galaxy have been moved and Rom is soon teleported through space to find out how and why.

Back on Earth, the fog continues to waft through Clairton, entrancing all whom it touches.


  • Cover art: colours by Roussos.
  • Gruenwald is credited with research.

Continuity Errors[]

  • This comic is the fifth (of six) in which the disc-shaped starship in the possession of the Fantastic Four is identified as being a Skrull spacecraft. In this issue, it is described as having been captured from the Skrulls by both Rom and the Omniscient Narrative. However, at the time this story was published, the only saucer-shaped spacecraft that the FF had yet been shown acquiring was the saucer that they had used in Fantastic Four #7 to escape from the planet Xanth before its destruction, a saucer that Fantastic Four #11 had showed they had kept as a memento. Decades later, this continuity error will be partially resolved in Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook #1 when the "Where are they now" update to the entry on Kurrgo notes that "The ship the FF got from Kurrgo has been consistently referred to as a Skrull ship, indicating that Kurrgo had purchased the ship from Skrulls."
  • Lorraine Jones again calls her eldest daughter Tammy instead of by her true name Annie. This mistake first occurred in Rom #22

See Also

Links and References

