Appearing in "Dead Means Dead, Conclusion"
Featured Characters:
- Runaways
- Nico Minoru
- Karolina Dean
- Chase Stein (Rejoins Team)
- Molly Hayes
- Victor Mancha
- ⏴ Xavin ⏵
- Old Lace (Rejoins Team)
- Gertrude Yorkes (Photo)
Supporting Characters:
- Gibborim
- "Tall, Dark and Horrific" / "Purple People-Eater" (Walters) (Name revealed)
Other Characters:
- Chester Biloxi
- Cadie MacDunnough
- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Pride (Photo)
- Dale Yorkes (Photo)
- Stacey Yorkes (Photo)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Dead Means Dead, Conclusion"
The team continues to battle the monster, but all of their attacks fail. Xavin and Nico finally team up to take down the monster. Xavin takes the form of the shopkeeper's dead wife and Nico casts a spell to give Xavin her voice. They talk down the monster, who reverts back to his normal self. Chase finally meets up with his friends at the Hostel.
Solicit Synopsis
DEAD MEANS DEAD CHAPTER 3 As the Runaways face the biggest threat of their young lives, an old friend reappears.