Samarobryn was Earth's first weather monitoring space station located in orbit of Earth. It was able to monitor any weather activity on Earth and was built as part of the U.S. Weather Service's project Earthwatch. One of the programmers during the built, who gave the space station weather data, also gave it disaster prophecies from the 16th French physician Nostradamus, in particular the ones about the weather.
When it was launched in space, Samarobryn took control of the station and expanded its function from just monitoring to weather manipulation. It also brainwashed the five members of the crew into its minions, calling them the Weathermen and sending them to Earth. it proposed to Jocasta, to become its bride, when she came to investigate after the Weathermen caused havoc on Earth. She rejected Samarobryn outright comparing it to Ultron. With the help of Thor, she removed the faulty programming, in effect lobotomizing it.[1]