Appearing in "The Sea Mage's Daughter"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Conan's crew (First appearance)
- Sancha (First appearance)
- Unnamed Barachans (First appearance; many die)
- Unnamed Pict (First appearance)
- Jama (First appearance)
- Jooloo (First appearance) (Joins the team, former part of the Zingaran ship's crew)
- Zurga (First appearance)
- "Ziostes, the Sea Mage" / Tritus the Sea God, the Sea King, King of Air and Water (First appearance)
- Ravena (First appearance)
- Zingaran ship's crew (First appearance)
- Captain (First appearance)
- Count Lindoro of Jerida (First appearance)
- Unnamed crewmen (First appearance; many die)
- Count Lindoro's bodyguards / Palace guardsmen from the Court of Kordava
- Verruca (First appearance; dies)
- Melitus (First appearance; dies)
- Mudge (First appearance)
- Melitus's watchman (First appearance; dies)
- Melitus's lover (First appearance; dies)
- Zingaran fleet
- Argossean fleet
Other Characters:
- King Sancho of Zingara (Mentioned)
- Picts (Mentioned)
- Captain's father (Mentioned)
- Captain's brothers (Mentioned)
Deities and Invocations:
Races and Species:
- Zingara
- Western Ocean
- Barachan Isles
- Tortage
- Winery (First appearance)
- Tortage
- Barachan Isles
- Argos (Mentioned)
- Stygia (Mentioned)
- Zamora (Mentioned)
Items and Concepts:
- Code of the Barachas (Mentioned)
- Claw of the Crab (Mentioned)
- Stygian Fire (First appearance)
- Zingaran and Argossean fleets ships (First appearance)
- Barachan ships
- The Wastrel
- Zurga's flag ship (First appearance)
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "The Sea Mage's Daughter"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Kull the Conqueror: The Barrens"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Black legionnaires deserters (First appearance)
- Krodan (First appearance; dies)
- Unnamed Black legionnaires deserters (Only appearance; all die)
Other Characters:
- People of the village (First appearance)
Races and Species:
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "Kull the Conqueror: The Barrens"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Freebooting on the high seas suddenly turns into a desperate, intrigue-riddled battle for survival as Conan and his pirates fight to prevent the nations of Argos and Zingara from forming an alliance to crush the pirates!