Marvel Database

Quote1 I can talk to spiders. Quote2
Scarlet Spider

Appearing in "Pillar of Fire"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Watchdogs (Main story and flashback)
    • Menkin
    • Rainer (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Pillar of Fire"

Kaine with Wally's help, desperately searches for a nuclear bomb about to destroy Houston, planted by the extremist group Watchdogs. Knowing what is about to happen, S.H.I.E.L.D. sends Iron-Man to resolve the situation, but he is too far away to get there in time before the explosion. Luckily the Scarlet Spider manages to find and defuse the bomb ... although he doesn't like the media giving him that name.

Solicit Synopsis

• A Nuclear Bomb is ticking, ready to devastate Kaine Parker’s new home – it’s a race against time!

• Why has the Scarlet Spider's heroics attracted the ire of the Avengers?!


Kaine doesn't like being called the Scarlet Spider by the media, because it was the superhero name of another Spider-Man clone, Ben Reilly that he had haunted for years.

See Also

Links and References

