Marvel Database

Quote1 I know who you really are. Quote2
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Back in New York City, Wanda visited the office of "Dr. Roland Grand", seemingly a psychiatrist, to talk about her origins, her mother, and how Agatha was keeping things about her from her. In their next session, "Dr. Grand" asked Wanda about disassembling the Avengers, Vision, Wonder Man, Billy and Tommy, and concluded by insisting that she was repressing her past and that her mission to heal witchcraft was a way of putting off dealing with things such as her mother and her past.

On a Friday, Wanda confronted "Grand" and confronted him for actually being the Ringmaster and attempting to hypnotize her into stealing jewelry for him as "payment" for their sessions. Wanda told Ringmaster that he genuinely helped her and that she was grateful but still allowed the police to arrest him. Before the police took Ringmaster away, Wanda told him that she had a breakthrough and was going to Eastern Europe because she sought her people, the Roma, and the answers they hold.

Solicit Synopsis

• A day in the life of WANDA MAXIMOFF!

• After coming face to face with her biological mother, Wanda explores her early memories and attempts to reconcile with the sins of her past.

• But meanwhile, little does she know that a traitor lurks in her very midst...!

See Also

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