For fictional versions of Scott Lobdell as a character within comic books or other media,
this disambiguation page .
Scott Lobdell
Marvel; DC Comics/Wildstorm; Image/Top Cow/F5 Enteratinment; IDW Publishing; Papercutz; Dark Horse Comics; Aspen MLT; Cliffhanger; Dynamite Entertainment; Homage Comics; Super Genius Comics
Notable Creations
Havok (AoA) ,
Alyssa Moy ,
Amelia Voght ,
Nemesis ,
Spoor ,
Skin ,
Belladonna ,
Exodus ,
Bolivar Trask (AoA) ,
Unuscione ,
Ambassador St. Croix ,
Dr. Cecilia Reyes ,
Charles Lehnsherr (AoA) ,
X-Cutioner ,
Blink (AoA) ,
Blink (616) ,
M-Twins ,
Rebel O'Reilly ,
Cordelia Frost ,
Red Raven ,
Daydreamers ,
The Queen (AoA) ,
Apocalypse (AoA) ,
Fatale ,
Milan ,
Blob (AoA) ,
Friends of Humanity ,
Gene Nation ,
Generation X ,
D.O.A. ,
Go-Go Tomago's Battlesuit ,
Graydon Creed ,
Harlan Kleinstock ,
Hemingway ,
Dark Beast (AoA) ,
Hiro's Battlesuit ,
Hollow ,
Illyana Rasputin (AoA) ,
Infinites (AoA) ,
Javitz ,
Weapon X (AoA) ,
Jean Grey (AoA) ,
Chamber ,
Joseph ,
Shadowcat (AoA) ,
Katu ,
Silver Samurai (AoA) ,
Morph (AoA) ,
Post ,
Ebon Samurai ,
Nightcrawler (AoA) ,
Wild Child (AoA) ,
Sunpyre ,
Major Mapleleaf ,
Bishop (AoA) ,
Lynx ,
Maggott ,
Emplate ,
Marrow ,
Mondo ,
M ,
Sinister (AoA) ,
Holocaust (AoA) ,
Abyss (AoA) ,
Noah DuBois ,
Orordius (AoA) ,
Ozymandias ,
Xorn (AoA) ,
The Phalanx ,
Quicksilver (AoA) ,
Colossus (AoA) ,
Power Purse ,
Gambit (AoA) ,
Iceman (AoA) ,
Rogue (AoA) ,
Ruined ,
Centennial ,
Sack ,
Cyclops (AoA) ,
Mellencamp ,
Shard Bishop ,
Sunfire (AoA) ,
Siena Blaze ,
Neophyte ,
Sugar Man (AoA) ,
Senyaka ,
Sven Kleinstock ,
Madame Sanctity ,
The Witness ,
Thunder ,
Vessel ,
Sabretooth (AoA) ,
Angel (AoA) ,
Billie Lumpkin ,
X-Men (AoA) ,
Yukon Jack ,
A writer recognized as the ‘’primary creative force’ behind major X-over storylines namely: X-Cutioner's Song , Fatal Attractions , Phalanx Covenant , Age of Apocalypse , Onslaught and Operation: Zero Tolerance (also it was his idea to out Alpha Flight member, Northstar , as gay. Breaking Jim Shooter era’s editorial policy concerning comic characters’ sexual orientations).
His art of story telling made X-Men and related X-titles the most popular comic books genre of the 90s. Their popularity during the decade was simply unmatched, both within Marvel and beyond.
Besides cross-overs, his stand alone stories about
Charles Xavier and
Magneto ’s friendship,
Cyclops and
Cable ’s father and son relationship, the death of
Magik were explored in the most eloquent of ways that made one transcend from the real world into the world of X-Men.