Appearing in "Supremeuniversal"
Featured Characters:
- Arachknight (Peter Parker) (Warped with Soldier Supreme to become Spider Supreme)
Supporting Characters:
- Defenders
- Soldier Supreme (Stephen Rogers) (Warped with Arachknight to become Spider Supreme)
- Iron Hammer (Sigurd Stark) (Warped with Ghost Panther to become Ghost Hammer)
- Weapon Hex (Laura Kinney) (Warped with Captain Peace to become Weapon Peace)
- Time Flight Authority
- Captain Peace (Warped with Weapon Hex to become Weapon Peace)
- Ghost Panther (King T'Challa) (Possessed by Zarathos and warped with Iron Hammer to become Ghost Hammer)
- Speed Weasel / Star Weasel (Gavrill Kinney) (Bonds to the Hyper Brand) (First appearance as Star Weasel)
- Ulysses Klorb
- Supreme Seven
- Princess Powerhouse (Stephanie Harrington) (Name revealed)
- Megalodon (Dave) (Name revealed)
- Hawkmask (Kyle Remsen) (Name revealed) (Impersonates Goblin-by-Night in dream)
- Codename: Eagle (James Swensen) (Name revealed)
- Blurrer (Name revealed)
- Hyperbrand (Connell) (Surname first revealed)
- Doctor Justice (John) (Name revealed)
Other Characters:
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Referenced)
- Moon Knight (Marc Spector) (Referenced)
- Father (Mentioned)
- Benjamin Parker (Warp World) (Earth-616)
- Maybelle Parker (Warp World) (Earth-616)
- Echo and the Bauhaus (Mentioned) (Topical Reference) (Dream)
- Goblin-by-Night (Norman Russell) (Mentioned) (Dream)
- Arcanna Fenzl (Mentioned)
- Spider Supreme (Peter Rogers) (First appearance) (Unnamed)
- "Sigurd Blaze" / Ghost Hammer (T'Challa Odinson) (First appearance; possessed by Madame Zarathos) (Unnamed)
- Weapon Peace (Laura Danvers) (First appearance) (Unnamed)
Races and Species:
- Hellbent
- Humans
- Mutants
- Human-Kree Hybrids
- Demons (Behind the scenes)
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Soul World
- Mergiverse
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Defenders Citadel (Mentioned)
- Manhattan (Dream)
- Upper West Side (Dream)
- Central Park West (Dream)
- Central Park (Dream)
- Upper West Side (Dream)
- New York City
- New York
- Wakanda (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- Supreme Seven's Earth (Mentioned)
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America (Mentioned) (Destroyed)
- World of Dreams (First appearance)
- Mephichthon's Realm (Mentioned)
- Earth
- Mergiverse
- Soul World
- Soul Gem
- Arachknight's Suit, Web-Shooters, and Crescent Darts
- Sonic Disruptor
- Hyper Brand
- Sword-Gem (Name revealed)
- Boris Lugosi's Dead (Mentioned) (Topical Reference) (Dream)
- Shield of the Seraphim
- Soldier Supreme's Uniform, Cloak of Levitation, and Eye of Agamoshtur
- Iron Hammer Armor
- Mjolniron (Unnamed)
- Weapon Hex's Suit
- Captain Peace's Suit
- Panther Habit
- Weapon Peace's Suit (First appearance)
- Spider Supreme's Uniform, Cloak of Levitation, and Web-Shooters (First appearance)
- Eye of Raggamoshtoomb (First appearance) (Unnamed)
- Ghost Hammer Armor (First appearance)
- Infinity Wars (Referenced)
- Pitt Calamity (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Supremeuniversal"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "A Terrific Tangle"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Skrullfire Club
- Muckman (First appearance) (Appears on screen)
Other Characters:
- Parker Industries (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Soul World
- Mergiverse
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- East River (Appears on screen)
- New York City
- New York
- United States of America
- Tarnax IV (Mentioned)
- Hell (Invoked)
- Earth
- Mergiverse
- Soul World
- Arachknight's Suit, Web-Shooters, and Darts
- Terrific Two Uniforms
- Gamma Fusion (Referenced)
- Cosmic Rays (Referenced)
- Terrifi-Car MK I (First appearance)
Synopsis for "A Terrific Tangle"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• The web-spinning Arachknight finds himself out of the depth of all four of his personas as his own warped universe begins colliding with another — the New Supreme Universe, homes of the Supreme Seven!
• PLUS: A bonus tale of ol’ AK trying to persuade the Terrific Two to become a Trio!Notes
- Carlos Gómez (the main cover artist) is credited in the first story instead of Carlos Villa, but his name is on the cover.
- The musical group Echo and the Bauhaus is a warp between Echo and the Bunnymen and Bauhaus; meanwhile, Boris Lugosi's Dead is a warp between Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi in reference to the Bauhaus' album Bela Lugosi's Dead.