Marvel Database
Marvel Database

I put all the kids into the Caterpillar database because of their powers and their anonymity. I put you in charge of turnin' them into something I can use.

The Secret Warriors were a team of superhumans that Nick Fury knew about, but were unknown to the public, called Caterpillars.[6] In truth, they were the White Team of Caterpillars, led by Quake (Daisy Johnson). There were two other teams: the Black Team, led by Alexander Pierce, and the Grey Team, led by Fury's own son, Mikel Fury.[7]

While S.H.I.E.L.D. was gone, as it had been replaced with H.A.M.M.E.R., Fury used his Caterpillar teams to fight against Hydra and Leviathan.[6][8] However, Phobos and Hellfire lost their lives during one decisive mission against the High Council of Hydra, and with Daisy distraught, her team was deactivated by Fury.[9] Nevertheless, most of the surviving Caterpillars joined S.H.I.E.L.D. when it returned.[10]



Following his removal as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the heels of his Secret War in Latveria, Colonel Nick Fury was forced to go underground. He was able to stay active in the shadows by providing support to the reformed Winter Soldier, and allowing Captain America to use one of his safe houses as a base for his Secret Avengers during the superhero Civil War.

But Fury had been up to more than that. After going into hiding, he was able to reignite his passions with his old flame, Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine. Learning that Val was attempting to steal SHIELD passcodes from him and kill him, Fury shot and killed her. On her death, however, she revealed her true nature: she had been replaced by a Skrull impersonator.

Recognizing that Earth was being invaded by alien sleeper agents hidden among the society, Fury have assembled a team of Secret Warriors to defend it. The Secret Warriors recruit were a varied lot. Fury chose them not only for their competence, but also for their relative anonymity: he knew that obscure heroes would be ones least likely to be targeted for replacement by the Skrulls.

He began with seismic-wielding former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Daisy Johnson (Quake); Phobos (Alex) the 10-year old son of Ares; Yo Yo Rodriguez, the super-fast daughter of The Griffin; Hellfire (J.T. Slade), the mystical mercenary grandson of the Phantom Rider (Carter Slade); the son of Dr. Druid, Sebastian Druid; and the muscle-bound Stonewall (Jerry Sledge).

Ironically, Fury also attempted to recruit Layla Miller, but she was expecting Agent Johnson. Miller claimed that if she joined Johnson's/Fury's team, "it wouldn't work" but without her, they wouldn't fail. She wished to stay with the mutants because they would need her. She stated Johnson would live through this, but was going to lose a lot.[2]

Secret Invasion[]

By the time the Skrull Invasion became apparent to the rest of Earth's heroes, Fury and this "new team of Howling Commandos" were prepared.[11] They arrived during the battle against the Skrulls in Times Square, aiding the Young Avengers and the Initiative staff and cadets. The intervention of the Secret Warriors was crucial, helping to turn the tide of a losing battle against the Skrulls. Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), after being heavily blasted by a group of Skrull soldiers ended up rising in the middle of Fury and his group in Times Square as they fought, shocked by the return of the ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. leader.

As they quickly headed into the fray, Yo-Yo managed to rescue all the downed Young Avengers and Initiative cadets just before could be executed. Ms. Marvel proceeded to help, but soon after was shot by Fury, who was unconvinced she was the real Carol Danvers. After being shot back into another street, the Skrull onlookers quickly overran her. Fury then called his men to retreat so that they could plan the next move. The Secret Warriors regrouped at Fury's command post with the Young Avengers and their Initiative comrades.

The Secret Warriors returned to the field for the final battle against the Skrulls alongside a slew of allies: the Mighty Avengers, the New Avengers, the Young Avengers, the new Captain America, Thor, the Thunderbolts, Noh-Varr, the Hood's crew, and more. In the fighting, Norman Osborn killed Queen Veranke on national television. As the heroes destroyed the Skrull armada, the Secret Warriors realized that their objective was complete.

Secret Warriors[]

Fury's Secret Warriors found a new purpose when Fury discovered that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been under Hydra's control since its creation and that Hydra's influence had reached even some of the highest levels of the United States government. They made the purpose of destroying both organizations. Meanwhile, Baron Strucker assembled the High Council of Hydra.[12]

After Yo-Yo had lost her arms to the Gorgon, a member of the High Council of Hydra, Daisy and Druid recruited Eden Fesi to replace her while Yo-Yo recovered.[13] They were called into action in a battle between Hydra, H.A.M.M.E.R., and Fury's Howling Commandos PMC.[14] To pay for the PMC, they stole money from a bank controlled by Strucker.[15] Yo-Yo later awakened with new robotic arms right when Phobos, J.T., and Eden brought back Norman Osborn's H.A.M.M.E.R. and Dark Avengers to their secret hideout, forcing them to escape before it self-destructed.[16]

Fury revealed to the team leader Daisy that he had two other Caterpillar teams, the Black Team led by Alexander Pierce and the Grey team led by Fury's son Mikel Fury; Daisy's team was the White Team and Fury's personal hammer. They discussed their enemies: Hydra and the Soviet organization called Leviathan.[7] On the trip home, Fury urged Daisy to cut Druid for his incompetence, but when she showed she was unwilling, Fury himself sent Druid home.[17] Unbeknownst to the others, Druid found John Garrett waiting for him at home and received private training.[18]

Fury's apparent actions caused a rift between him and Daisy, and she began a relationship with J.T.[19] However, because J.T. had used the money stolen from Hydra, he was tracked down by Baron Strucker and made into Hydra's unwilling spy.[20] During the Siege of Asgard, the Warriors joined up with Steve Rogers, the New Avengers, and the Young Avengers to fight off Norman Osborn's attack on Asgard.[21] Later, when Fury prepared his final moves against Hydra by bombing their base, Gehenna, J.T. warned Hydra, hoping they would spare Daisy. When the team attacked, Hydra was expecting them and led to the death of Phobos, slain by the Gorgon. When the bomb exploded, J.T. fell but was caught by Fury, who revealed that he knew J.T. had betrayed them before letting go. A reformed Druid reappeared with John Garrett to save the team. However, the death of J.T. and learning about his betrayal emotionally destroyed Daisy, forcing Fury to shut her team down.[22]

Despite the team's disbandmant, Fury managed to defeat Hydra and Leviathan. His brother Jake gave Daisy a letter and she gathered the rest of her team to the site where S.H.I.E.L.D. was being rebuilt. Fury appointed Daisy to be the new director and many members of her team joined S.H.I.E.L.D.[23]

Secret Warriors[]

Deceased members:



Stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment


Stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons


See Also

Links and References

