Marvel Database

Quote1 And I'm afraid that as long as Mrs. Mason desires to remain in her present condition-- --even unconsciously-- --there is no way known to man that can reverse the situation! Quote2
Mr. Fantastic

Appearing in "Uh-Oh"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Skrull ship (Only in flashback)
  • Sky-cycle

Synopsis for "Uh-Oh"

At the Fantastic Four Headquarters, Ben puts the finishing touches to Reed’s machine. The experience brings back memories to Susan of the fantastic four’s experience with Ovoids.[1]Reed straps them into the machine, and it begins its work.

Later, Reed reveals that there is nothing that should have stopped their bodies switching back naturally. Jen and Weezi return home, confused, where they meet Wyatt. Suddenly, there is a large bang from outside, and they all dash outside.

From this moment on, Weezi battles a villain, of who’s identity the reader is asked to select.

After the villain is defeated, Reed finds them, and tells them he believes that they haven’t switched back because one of them subconsciously wants to keep their new appearance. Weezi admits that she likes having Jen’s body, and Reed adds that until she completely wants to switch back, their bodies will remain switched…

See Also

Links and References

