Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Seth was a warlord of Atlantis, in charge of the fleet when Prince Namor was accused of betraying the Atlanteans. He accompanied Namor is his quest to find the herb of healing to restore Tiger Shark to his human form, but was struck unconscious during their battle with the Lethe Beast.[2] When he awoke, he found himself alone and believed Namor had been slain. To make up for his supposed disgrace, he searched for the Horn of Proteus. He returned with the horn to Atlantis, when the Atlanteans under the command of Lady Dorma were gathering their troops to attack New York in an attempt to rescue Namor. Seth used the Horn to summon several undersea creatures which began attacking the city. In order to save the city, he used the Horn again to lead the creatures out to sea, where he, the creatures and the horn were buried in an undersea earthquake.[3]

Seth was rescued by the Faceless Ones and remained as a captive of the "Old Ones" for many years. He escaped in a state of confusion to return to Atlantis.[4]




Seth was in love with Lady Dorma but was always loyal to his cousin, friend and monarch Namor.[5]

See Also

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