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Quote1 That is why the Good Lord gave us Craig's List. Quote2
Power Man

Appearing in "Extra Life"

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Synopsis for "Extra Life"

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Solicit Synopsis

SHADOWLAND: POWER MAN #1 (of 4) Written by FRED VAN LENTE Penciled by MAHMUD ASRAR Cover by MIKE PERKINS Exploding out of the blood-strewn streets of Shadowland: the all-new, all-different Power Man! Who is he? Why is he one of the few heroes to oppose Daredevil's rule over Hell's Kitchen? And what is his connection to Daniel Rand's School of Thunder dojo...and the killer called Bullseye? That's what Luke Cage and Iron Fist must discover--before the vengeful swords of The Hand find this young mystery man first! All-out martial arts action begins here as Fred Van Lente (MARVEL ZOMBIES 3-5) and Mahmud Asrar (SIEGE: YOUNG AVENGERS) introduce a new star with a lot of host of secrets!

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