Marvel Database


Shangó is one of the Òrìshàs, a race of extra-dimensional beings still worshiped as a god by the Ifá Yorùbá religion of Nigeria, Santeria religion of the Caribbean and Candomble of Brazil.

In ancient times Shangó founded the city of Ifé and was ruler of Oyo. (Both in today's Nigeria)[1]

In modern times, Shangó fought alongside with thunder and sun deities from other pantheons against Demogorge, but was consumed by him. He and his fellows were rescued by the Asgardian thunder god Thor.[1][2]

Shangó alongside with other Òrìshàs is the patron of the Cuban-American vigilante group The Santerians. He gave Chango the power to generate electricity.[1][3]


Power Grid[7]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Medium Range:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Regenerative:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned


  • Shangó is a diviner and can predict the future. He is a dispenser and defender of justice
Template:New Power Grid


  • Formidable hand-to-hand combatant.[1]



  • Ofo Rod: Protects him from physical damage on Earth. Blessed by Gaea.[1]


  • Oshé: Mystical double-headed axe to summon thunder and lightning. Equivalent to Thor's hammer Mjolnir.[1]
  • Hunga Munga: 'Throwing irons capable of piercing nearly any substance.'[1]


  • Black Storm Clouds[1]



  • His name is pronounced 'shahn-GO'.[5]
  • In religious tradition Shangó's personality is hot-tempered, quick to anger and stands for the uncontrollable ascepts of male passion and power. With this characterization Shangó is traditionally ranked among the 'hot' or 'red' Òrìshàs who are more aggressive. (òrìshà gbigbona)
  • Traditionally Shangó's colors are red and white.
  • Apart from his position as thundergod Shangó appears as Òrìshà of fire and of family (latter due to the fact that he has married three wives: Oya, Oshun and Oba).
    • Due to the dynamic transformative nature of the Òrìshà and Shangó's duty as patron of every eletric based thing or process, he appears as Òrìshà of the internet nowadays.[6]

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica #1
  2. Thor Annual #10
  3. Daredevil Father
  4. Firestorm #95
  5. Joba Molei Anderson (2010). 'The Horsemen: Divine Intervention #1'. Griot Enterprises.
  6. Manfred Kremser (2001). 'Shangó-Transformationen: Vom traditionellen Donnergott der Yoruba zum digitalen Blitzgewitter im Cyberspace' [German: 'Transformations of Shangó: From Traditional Yoruba Thundergod to the Digital Flashlightning in Cyberspace']. Habilitation Treatise, University of Vienna.
  7. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 14