Marvel Database

Quote1 A lot of people underestimate the Savage Land, Agent. That's good. Someone needs to keep the dinosaurs fed. But you seem to respect the land. For that, you have my friendship, and my spear. Quote2
Shanna the She-Devil[src]


Shanna O'Hara was born in the jungles of Zaire, where she learned to survive. As she moved to the United States and studied veterinary, Shanna also became an accomplished Olympic athlete. After being kidnapped by a sorcerer to be used as a sacrifice alongside Ka-Zar, she fell in love with him and remained with Plunder in the Savage Land.

Call of the Wild[]

Shanna contacted the Alliance to help her understand Iso-8 after some Test Serum Conduits appeared in the Savage Land. After finding out the nectar from an incredibly rare plant from the Savage Land was being used by the Green Goblin on his Test Subjects, Shanna asked the Agent for help to track him down and defeat him, to send him the message to stop interfering with the Savage Land.

She later defeated Venom as she considered him a potential threat to the Savage Land. Her next move was to help the Black Panther defeat the insurgent forces of the White Gorillas in Wakanda. In order to make the Gorillas lose their nerve, she fought and bested the Man-Ape in combat with the help of the Agent.

Believing she had found a a potential ally, Shanna asked the Agent to train with her in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s simulator and test the Agent's worth. As soon as the origin of the Conduits was determined to be Green Goblin's Test Subjects, was satisfied with the Agent, and asked to train one more time to finally prove if she could properly fight alongside the Agent.

With the discovery that the Isotope-8 was now in the Savage Land, Shanna joined the Alliance to help the heroes fight in it if they ever needed to.[1]

See Also

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