Marvel Database

Quote1 Hey, Wake Up! Didja See Who They Just Took In Protective Custody? It Looked Like The Silver Surfer Himself! Quote2
—Unnamed Crook

Appearing in "When Lands the Saucer!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Unnamed humans (villagers, american citizens, cops, beggars, soldiers, robbers...)
    • Cops (at least from the NYPD)
    • unnamed girl (First appearance; dies)
  • Unnamed Zenn-Lavians (Main story and flashback) (Main story and flashback)
  • United States Army
    • Unnamed general
    • Unnamed colonel
  • Galactus (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



  • Invisibility Tube (First appearance)
  • Badoon Basic Weapon (First appearance)


Synopsis for "When Lands the Saucer!"

While resting just out of Earth's atmosphere, the Surfer is jarred awake by falling meteors, and he decides that he should try and find a home among the humans he is forced to live with. Traveling to a European town, the Surfer is driven away by the panicked locals who distrust the Surfer due to his previous acts of aggression towards humanity. The Surfer once more tries to integrate into society by trying to find a home in the city; however his arrival there is also met with fear and distrust.

Returning to space, the Surfer laments humanity's many ills when he suddenly notices the arrival of a Badoon ship in Earth's space. When it lands in New York and cloaks itself, the Surfer tries to warn the people on the street, but is knocked out and locked up in a jail. Reviving, the Surfer breaks out of his cell and decides to confront the aliens directly. Meeting the Badoon in their ship, the Surfer is told by their leader the Brother Royal that they have come to Earth to end all evil; however, a captive Earth girl warns the Surfer that the Badoon are really planning to invade the Earth. The girl is blasted for her troubles and the Surfer escapes the Badoon ship with the near dead girl, and puts her in limbo status in Earth's orbit while he deals with the Badoon.

The Surfer battles the Badoon, who unleash their creature the Monster of Badoon. As Surfer battles the antagonists in the city, the people of the city are once more put in a state of panic because the Badoon's cloaking technology makes it look as though the Surfer is on another rampage. The Surfer manages to destroy the Monster but not without the military planning a strike against the Surfer. When the missiles are launched, the Badoon believe that they are being attacked by the Earth military and are forced to retreat.

The Surfer tries to piggy back on the Badoon's ship to try and get past Galactus' barrier until he remembers the girl he left in limbo and goes back for her. The Surfer returns her to Earth and tries to revive her with his Power Cosmic. However, he is chased by the Air Force and is forced to abandon the girl so that no harm comes to her. While the girl is revived, the military believe that she was attacked by the Surfer, who flees.

Appearing in "The Coming of the Krills!"

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed radar technician

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Radar outpost staff

Races and Species:


  • Earth
  • Ninth Galaxy (Mentioned)


  • Krills' War Fleet

Synopsis for "The Coming of the Krills!"

The Watcher tells a story he has seen in Earth's history. An extraterrestrial special forces unit infiltrates a remote radar outpost in Canada. The outpost is manned by two people: Lou and the unnamed hero of the story. Lou is growing tired of the loneliness of the job, but his partner recognizes the importance of their work. The aliens break into the outpost, taking the men prisoner and revealing themselves as the Krill from the Ninth Galaxy. Their mission is to destroy Earth's radar capabilities so their war fleet massed in the planet's orbit can land and avoid humanity's atomic weapons. The Krill would rather bribe the men than kill them and offer them wealth and riches, eventually upping the ante to giving them the most beautiful women in the galaxy to marry. Lou accepts their offer but gets into a fistfight with our hero, who is then incapacitated by a Krill ray gun. The hero awakens from his paralysis and presses the alarm button while Lou screams in terror as he is shown his new bride: a Krill woman who, while beautiful to the Krill, is not easy on the eyes for a human. With the alarm sounded, the invasion is defeated.


  • No letters page is published this issue.
  • The Badoon next appear in the Guardians of the Galaxy feature in Marvel Super-Heroes #18.
  • The leader of the Badoon claims that eternity is endless and the Badoon can afford to wait until they return, and the caption says that they do return in an upcoming series. However, the Guardians of the Galaxy featured in Marvel Super-Heroes #18 are in an alternate reality (later established as Earth-691), so they are not the same Badoon as featured in this comic. Also, the Earth-691 Guardians did not get their own series and did not appear again until Marvel Two-In-One #5, several years later.
  • "The Coming of the Krills!" recreated from Amazing Adult Fantasy #8 with the Watcher as Host (10 pages).
  • Credits:
    • Special Location: An Ocean
    • Written And Illustrated By.. Stan Lee And John Buscema
    • Embellished By: Joe Sinnott
    • Lettered By: Sam Rosen
  • The Silver Surfer story is divided into two parts: "When Lands The Saucer" and "Let Earth Be The Prize"

See Also

Links and References


  1. All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update #1