Marvel Database

Quote1 The Silver Surfer kicked my dog Buddy into an incinerator. Quote2
—Child (lying on the stand)

Appearing in "Termination"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Great I (Mentioned)
  • Big Bram Bom (Cameo) (Name revealed)




Synopsis for "Termination"

Brief Summary:
The Silver Surfer has been detained for his fourth offense in Dynamo City and has been put on trial. The trial is a sham, but he can do nothing to stop it. His is found guilty and sentenced to termination. However, termination means being teleported into outerspace. Once he is jettisoned into space, he regains his Power Cosmic. He quickly destroys the guards that come to bring them back to Dynamo City and he is about to destroy the entire city until Zeaklar convinces him to spare it and all the innocents that are still trapped within it. The two leave with the Surfer promising to return one day.

Silver Surfer Vol 3 43 page 1

Detailed Summary:
The Silver Surfer sits in prison, waiting for his trial to determine if he and Zeaklar will be terminated. He attacks the guards that come to collect him, but he is once again overpowered. He awakens within the courtroom, his trial already begun. He tries to defend himself in front of the robot judge and jury, but his defense attorney has been deactivated. A number of witnesses are called by the prosecution, some the Surfer has meet and others that he has never seen before, but all are telling lies about him.

The jury finds them guilty and the two are dragged off to be terminated. They are brought to a large platform that surrounds them in a field of light. Just then Zeaklar awakens and is excited to hear that they are about to go through termination. The light engulfs them and they are instantly transported into outerspace.

With his Power Cosmic regained, the Silver Surfer encases Zeaklar in a cube of oxygen. Observing that their termination was a failure, robot guards approach the two and demand that they return to Dynamo City. The Surfer lashes out at them, obliterating them into thousands of pieces. Still seething with rage, the Surfer prepares to destroy the entire city. However, Zeaklar calms him down and gets him to realize that any attack on Dynamo City would kill all the innocents still trapped within it. The Surfer agrees to leave, but promises to return one day.

Solicit Synopsis

The conclusion to the “Dynamo City” saga!


  • The Silver Surfer is sentenced to termination after his fourth offense in Dynamo City. His four offenses were:
    • He attacked the city's guards when he first entered the city and when he tried to exit the city after hearing Thanos' will. [1]
    • He attacked a Sensory Stimulation Network executive after he was denied the full payment for his memories. [2]
    • He invaded the Great I's headquarters and attempted to confront it. [3]
  • Dynamo City controls all forms of energy and the Silver Surfer lost his Power Cosmic the moment he arrived there. [1]
  • The Silver Surfer was trapped on Earth by Galactus when he betrayed him to save the planet. [4]


  • "The Cosmic Pipeline" letter column has letters published from: Larry Feldman, Derek Bruff, David Brown, Bob Mathis, and Russell Elyard II.

See Also

Recommended Reading

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