Marvel Database

Quote1 "All work and no fair play." Words to live by. Quote2

Appearing in "Field of Honor"

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Synopsis for "Field of Honor"

In the Sanctum Sanctorum, Silver Surfer angrily attacks Thanos. Doctor Strange summons a handful of heroes, and Doctor Doom, to help break up the fight. Doom suggests that they definitively settle their differences with a duel. Strange transports the essences of Silver Surfer and Thanos to another dimension, while their physical bodies remain behind in mystic shackles. Without their usual powers, the two battle with medieval armor, lances, and blades instead. Downed and on the verge of defeat, Thanos begs Silver Surfer to kill him. Silver Surfer chooses to let him live, admitting they need his help to defeat Nebula. Thanos treacherously tackles him from behind, compels Silver Surfer to submit, and formally wins the duel.

Meanwhile, a shadowy figure looks at monitor screens showing various aliens.

Solicit Synopsis

An Infinity Gauntlet crossover! Following the events of The Infinity Gauntlet #5 Thanos as joined the heroes! Meanwhile, back in Dr. Strange's Sanctum, THanos, the Surfer, Warlock, and the rest plot their new strategy. Bi-weekly.


  • On Strange's bookshelf, alongside such classics at Sir Thomas Mallory's Le Morte d'Arthur and T.H. White's The Once and Future King, is a book titled Camelot 4005 by Jim Starlin. This is likely a reference to Mike W. Barr's Camelot 3000 miniseries.

See Also

Links and References

