Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "Brings Justice to Mesa City"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Frank Badger

Other Characters:

Synopsis for "Brings Justice to Mesa City"

Tex Morgan and Lobo went to Ed Blaine's Stable to rest. Meanwhile , the owner of th Golden Swan Saloon, Frank Badger commeits a murder and two of the showgirls of his establishment try to flee.They met Lobo, who carreid them to the local sheriff to accuse Frank Badger of murder. The sheriff imprisioned Badger but the lives of the girls was in danger.


  • This mini comic was a promotional giveaway distributed by a variety of merchants including Wisco "99" Service Stations, Carnation Malted Milk, Klarer Health Wieners, Fleers Dubble Bubble Gum, Rodeo All-Meat Wieners, Perfect Potato Chips, & others. It was produced by Vital Publications Inc.
  • The copyright date is 1950 and the contents are exclusive to this mini-comic. In this comic, Tex Morgan is called "Slim Morgan", with no other differences to his other appareances.

See Also

Links and References

