Slokovia, officially Republic of Slokovia, is a country in the Balkans of Europe. It was eventually silently annexed by the neighboring country of Latveria by Doctor Doom.[1]
Thor and the Warriors Three invaded the tyrannic nation of Slokovia, summoned by the Slokovian peasants.[2]
Iron Man then faced Thor to prevent an international crisis.[3]
After they were joined by Captain America, the Asgardians retreated, and Thor left the Avengers.[1]Points of Interest
- Not to be confused with Sokovia, the country featured prominently in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The name is most likely based on the real life Slavic country in Central Europe, Slovakia.
See Also
- 3 appearance(s) of Slokovia
- 1 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Slokovia
- 1 image(s) of Slokovia
- 1 article(s) related to Slokovia