Soledad "Sally" Juarez was the youngest child and only daughter of a working-class family in a New York which had been quickly and radically transformed by advanced technology introduced by Reed Richards. Sally worked as a secretary at the Baxter Building, where she met and fell in love with Johnny Storm, the Human Torch. Johnny eventually proposed to Sally, who happily accepted. Shortly before their wedding, Sally revealed to Johnny that she was pregnant, and that she was considering an abortion. Although she claimed that this was to conceal the fact that they had conceived a child out of wedlock and spare the Fantastic Four's reputation, in fact the pregnancy was causing her considerable pain and ill effects, likely due to Johnny's cosmic ray mutated DNA.
Inspired by Johnny's courage and strength when he fought off an attack by the Red Skull and his followers on a hospital they were visiting, Sally decided to tough out the pregnancy. Unfortunately, the strain on her body proved too great, and she died on the night before her wedding, while Johnny and the other superheroes fought off a coordinated attack of supervillains lead by Doctor Doom. With her final breath she begged her mother not to tell Johnny the truth about her death, knowing the guilt would destroy him.