Marvel Database

Quote1 Pop the dice in the plastic bubble! It pops you in and out of trouble! Um...something, something, something... I can't remember the rest of the lyrics... Quote2
Spider-Man singing theme song of Pop-A-Matic

Appearing in "Negative Exposure: Part Three"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Yacht

Synopsis for "Negative Exposure: Part Three"

Jeff Haight stands outside Doctor Octavius' cell, recalling his first meeting with Doc Ock. Octavius sweet-talked him, and Jeff was enamored, especially when he learned that Doc Ock possesses a copy of Jeff's book containing art photography. As Haight is leaving leaving Rikers Island, Doc Ock thinks that the photographer will soon provide what he desires.

The next morning, Jeff confides in his girlfriend, police officer Anna Kefkin, about his visit to Octavius. She's furious because Doc Ock is a mass murderer. As Jeff dismisses her concerns, suddenly, chaos erupts as people flee from the subway station, which is infested with zombies. Jeff sees an opportunity and rushes toward the subway, leaving Anna behind.

At the subway station, Jeff attempts to take photos, but he realizes it's all an illusion created by the villain known as Mysterio. Spider-Man arrives to battle Mysterio, who creates multiple illusions. A fireball heads toward Jeff, and Spider-Man saves him, but Jeff is annoyed because he missed the chance to capture a great picture. After Spider-Man defeats Mysterio, Jeff angrily confronts him, expressing frustration over the ruined photo opportunity and revealing that he knows about Spider-Man's connection to Peter Parker.

Later, Jeff pays Doc Ock another visit. Octavius guesses that Jeff wants to kill Peter Parker, but Jeff surprises him by proposing to become Doc Ock's personal photographer, just as Parker is to Spider-Man. However, there's a challenge: Doc Ock's tentacles are stored downtown at the Police Plaza. Fortunately, Jeff's girlfriend Anna works at the storage facility.

Solicit Synopsis

  • The sinister plans of Doc Ock slowly simmer through the bars of Riker's Island as Spider-Man comes face-to-face with Peter Parker's arch-nemesis.
  • An action-packed issue also featuring a mysterious guest appearance from one of Spider-Man's most dreaded foes.

See Also

Links and References

