Marvel Database

Quote1 Dig a hole, Fisk! Widen up for your final resting place. Quote2


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The Hobgoblin tries to assassinate Wilson Fisk, one of New York's leading philanthropists, when the latter is opening a criminology school in his name as part of an E.S.U. project. However, Peter Parker saves him, and the Hobgoblin is engaged in combat by Spider-Man, causing him to flee. Subsequently, Norman Osborn refuses to pay Hobgoblin for his failure. Hobgoblin is curious as to why Osborn wants Fisk dead, so he survey's Fisk's place in order to discover his secrets.

Meanwhile, Aunt May tells Peter that she is okay with him moving out to roommate with Harry Osborn, since she plans to move in with Anna Watson anyway as Mary Jane has moved in with some of her friends.

The Hobgoblin discovers Fisk's identity as the Kingpin, and after telling the crime lord about how Norman Osborn hired him to assassinate him, he agrees to work for Kingpin and eliminate Osborn. After being given better weapons by the Kingpin, Hobgoblin goes to Peter and Harry's flat, and kidnaps the latter, causing a visiting Aunt May to suffer a stroke. When the goblin delivers Harry to Kingpin, the crime lord refuses to pay him immediately, so Hobgoblin betrays him and returns to Norman.

As the Hobgoblin leaves to eliminate Fisk once again, he is attacked by Spider-Man, who is seeking revenge for Harry's capture and Aunt May's condition.


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