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In the middle of night Takuya Yamashiro is awoken by Garia who warns him the Iron Cross Army are active. Takuya dons the suit and travels to the roof of his building to survey the city. During the night a strong wind suddenly blew through Tokyo and disappated by morning. In the morning Shinko discovers an increase in spider's around the house and accuses Takuji of playing pranks on her before being interuptted by Hitomi who has come to get help from Takuya. Hitomi drags Takuta out of bed and asks him to take her to a train which overturned in the night to get a good photo. They drive to the train crash but are prevented from getting close. Takuya begins to suspect the involvement of the Iron Cross.

Later, Takuya goes to his father Hiroshi's grave and reflects on all that trasnpired to turn him into Spider-Man. He recounts his discovery of Garia in a cave in Mount Tanzawa and how he gave him his new powers. He then recalls Garia's account of what happened on Planet Spider 400 years ago.

Planet Spider was a peaceful Earth-like world until it was attacked by the alien Professor Monster who had been terrorizing the galaxy. Garia returned from off-planet in Marveller to find his family and planets leaders had all been massacred. Garia vowed vengeance for the death of his family and travelled into space to find Professor Monster. He eventually tracked him down to Earth, where the Professor was using it as a research ground for his Machine Bem and aimed to invade the earth. Garia found Professor Monster during the Japanese Civil War and challenged him to a fight to the death. During the fight Professor Monster errupted the ground beneath Garia and split the earth, Garia fell into a pit and became trapped and told Marveller to return to space and to wait for his summons to return. Professor Monster also went into hiding and 400 years passed, all the time Garia was searching for a sucessor and ultimately chose Takyua.

Back in the present, Shinko and Hitomi also visited Hiroshi's grave and discuss how Hitomi had heard one of the passengers had seen something strange before the train crash. Takuya over hears and has Hitomi take him to the hospital. Arriving there, they find the passanger has been killed and don't realize they are being observed by Amazoness. Leaving the hospital Hitomi recounts the passengers story of seeing a giant brain crash the train. Takuya tells her not to reveal this to anyone and the pair are attacked by the Iron Cross Army. Takuya tells Hitomi to flee and he transforms into Spider-Man whilst Hitomi is surrounded. Spider-Man fends off the attackers and Hitomi and Takuya reunite and return to Yamashiro residence. Meanwhile Professor Monster and Amazoness chastize the men for their failure and realize Garia has given Spider-Man his powers.

Back at the house, Takuji and Shinko chastize Takuya for running out on Hitomi and Hitomi reveals she was saved by a "spider-man" and Takuya corrects them on Spider-Man's name and Hitomi vows to get a photographer of this new hero. Takuya visits Garia is spider-form to get information on the Iron Cross Army and Garia dies. Takuya vows to continue Garia's fight against Professor Monster.

Takuya dons his Spider-Man suit and begins travelling the city is search of the Iron Cross Army and uses his "Spider-Sense" to track the Iron Cross's next move and uses the Spider Machine GP-7 to trave to the airport to stop them from destroying the refueling frieght train. Just before arriving Machine Bem Soutoukin (just his floating brain form) destroys part of the tracks, and Spider-Man leaps on the train and is able to pull the brake handle before the train crashes. He confronts Soutoukin who flees and Spider-Man gives chase, first in the GP-7 and then on foot. During the chase he's confronted by the Iron Cross Army and Spider-Man is able to defeat them. He confronts Soutoukin who returns to his body and grows to giant size. SPider-Man summons Leopardon and attempts to join with it but Soutoukin knocks him out of the sky. He then flys around Soutoukin confusing him long enough to allow him to merge with Leopardon before using it to destroy Soutoukin with th "Sword Vigor". Victorious, Spider-Man leaves vowing to continue his fight against the Iron Cross Army.


Spider-Man (Takuya Yamashiro)藀堂新二 (Shinji TÃŽdÃŽ)
Hitomi Sakuma䞉浊リカ (Rika Miura)
Prof. Monster安藀䞉男 (Mitsuo AndÃŽ)
Amazoness賀川ゆき絵 (Yukie Kagawa)
Shinko Yamashiro倧山いづみ (Izumi Oyama)
Garia西沢利明 (Toshiaki Nishizawa)
Saeko Yoshida賀川ゆき絵 (Yukie Kagawa)
Takuji Yamashiro矢葺矩晎 (Yoshiharu Yabuki)
The Narrator倧平透 (TÃŽru Ôhira)
Spider-Man stunt actor叀賀匘文 (Hirofumi Koga)

See Also

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