Marvel Database

Quote1 No! No it can't be! He's getting away! He can't get away! That's not right! He doesn't belong in this time! Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lyla (Behind the scenes)


  • The Fist (First full appearance)
    • Qweeg (Joins)
    • Aisa (First full appearance) (First appearance as Aisa)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for 1st story

Qweeg (Earth-15329) from Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 5 001

Qweeg admires the present

Qweeg begins to wander through Times Square, while Spider-Man and Captain America begin to look for him, after having recovered the costume of the second, which reveals to Miguel of Roberta's hallucinations. Distracted by the wonders of the present, Qweeg is hit by a bus. Citizens call an ambulance, but while the cyborg is taken away on a stretcher, he recovers and attacks the cops who had taken his guns. The two superheroes of the future arrive in time to save the cops, but the Fist launches an attack on the city, to free the cyborg who agrees to join them.

Aisa (Earth-616) from Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 5 001

Aisa recruits Qweeg to the Fist.

Solicit Synopsis

• Spider-Man 2099 and Captain America 2099 race through the streets of present-day New York City looking for a dangerous futuristic fugitive!


  • This issue was amongst those shipped early and without notice by Diamond Comic Distributors and thus was released a week earlier than previously scheduled.[1]

See Also

Links and References


