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Appearing in "Zoids"

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Synopsis for "Zoids"

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Appearing in "The Choice and the Challenge!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #275

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Synopsis for "The Choice and the Challenge!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #275
The Hobgoblin is testing out a new device added to his arsenal, a button on his chest that makes his finger blasters fire randomly. He hopes this will give him an edge over Spider-Man's spider-sense. The Rose is happy to hear the Hobgoblin is pleased with the new weapon but reminds him that they have other priorities. The Hobgoblin assures the Rose that he won't let his personal vendetta against the wall-crawler interfere with their plans to oust the Kingpin.

Meanwhile, Peter Parker is accompanying his Aunt May back to her boarding house in Forest Hills with Nathan Lubensky who has just been released from the hospital. When they arrive they discover that May's other tenants have prepared a surprise party for Nathan's return. Among the party guests is Mary Jane Watson, who is glad she was invited. When she sees Peter sulking in another room she asks him what's wrong. He tells her how he failed to protect Nathan as Spider-Man and has decided to give up his costumed identity for good. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, some of the Kingpin's men are collecting money from one of their bookies. As they leave with a briefcase full of money they are attacked by the Hobgoblin who steals the briefcase and escapes. At that moment, Sha Shan is calling the Daily Bugle and asks to speak to Peter Parker. Her phone call is cut off by her boyfriend, Flash Thompson who hangs up the phone. He accuses her of seeing Peter Parker behind his back. She denies it, and reveals that she knows about his affair with Betty Leeds. When she asks him where his sense of shame is, he slaps her across the face. Realizing what he's done, Flash bolts from the apartment.

Elsewhere, Peter and Mary Jane are going for a walk so they can talk more about his decision to quit being Spider-Man. He tells her that another reason that has motivated him was his recent encounters with the Beyonder, which brought out a lot of old memories and feelings. When Mary Jane questions why he would after such a long time, she realises that she never been told how Peter became Spider-Man. Peter snaps at Mary Jane, reminding her that she never wanted to know anything about his alter-ego after she revealed she knew his double identity. Mary Jane admits that Peter is right, but tells him that she is asking now.

Peter then begins to tell her how he became Spider-Man...


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