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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Suffer the Little Children"

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Synopsis for "Suffer the Little Children"

After Mattie went missing from the hospital, Spider-Man found her before she grew spider-like limbs similar to those of Charlotte Witter (who Madame Web revealed to be her granddaughter) after leeching them from her, but could not control them, as the blonde, who was working with Doctor Octopus, was controlling them.

When Madame Web found out that Charlotte was controlling Mattie's body, the former projected herself into her granddaughter's mind, allowing the younger Spider-Woman to regain control of her body. Then, Spider-Man and Mattie defeated Doctor Octopus and afterwards, Jessica declared that the girl had earned the name "Spider-Woman." As Spider-Man and Mattie parted ways, the former suggested that she thought about a new costume, as her current one "just wasn't her."

Solicit Synopsis

With the startling result of the battle between the evil SPIDER-WOMAN and MATTIE FRANKLIN, the burning question of who will be the only Spider lady left standing takes on a whole new meaning!

See Also

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