Marvel Database

Quote1 --and the Spire Vile, where the Locus of Tarn have established their own twisted realm in the chaos, choosing neither side..for now. Quote2
Fisher King[src]

The Spire Vile was the lair of Tarn the Uncaring and his Locus Vile on Planet Arakko.[1][3]


The Spire Vile was was constructed as Tarn's domain following the terraforming of Planet Arakko.[1][3] The tower was located away from the main isle of Arakko Prime[1] likely because of the disdain most Arakkii and Arakko herself left for Tarn and his Vile.[4]

The Locus Vile continued to operate out of the Spire.[5] During the Genesis War, the Spire Vile remained neutral, but murdered any who trespassed on their lands.[2] After the Genesis War, the Spire Vile continued to operate as an independent governing territory apart from Arakko.[6]


See Also

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