Appearing in "Death Star!"
Reprint of the 1st story from
Star Wars #3
Star Wars #3
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- The Galactic Empire
- Grand General Tagge
- Admiral Motti
- General Bast
- General Molock
- General Cass (First appearance)
- Captain Khurgee (First appearance)
- Lieutenant Childsen (First appearance) (Death)
- Lieutenant Treidum (First appearance)
- Stormtroopers
- TK-421 (First appearance) (Death)
- Death Star Protocol Droid
- Mouse Droid
- The Remote (First appearance)
- Hyperspace
- Imperial Core (First appearance)
- Alderaan Sector (First appearance)
- Alderaan System (First appearance)
- Alderaan (First appearance) (Destroyed)
- Alderaan System (First appearance)
- Alderaan Sector (First appearance)
- Chewbacca's Bowcaster
- Comlink (First appearance)
- Darth Vader's Armor
- Han Solo's Blaster
- Lightsabers
- Stormtrooper Armor
- Stormtrooper Blaster
- Stormtrooper Heavy Rifle
- Death Star
- Detention Block AA-23
- Docking Bay 327 (First appearance)
- Millennium Falcon
- TIE Fighter (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Death Star!"
Reprint of the 1st story from
Star Wars #3
Star Wars #3
Part 3 of 6 in a retelling of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
Appearing in "Man-Gods from Beyond the Stars"
Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Preview #1
Marvel Preview #1
Featured Characters:
- Recorder Heralx
- Commander Raaman
Supporting Characters:
- Aide Norg
Other Characters:
- prehistoric humans
- chieftain
- his daughte
- shaman (Death)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Man-Gods from Beyond the Stars"
Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Preview #1
Marvel Preview #1
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Sword in the Star!: Stave 1: Alas, the Seeds of Man!"
Reprint of the 2nd story from
Marvel Preview #4
Marvel Preview #4
Featured Characters:
- Prince Wayfinder (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Black Fleet
- Haamin warriors
Other Characters:
- Ithacans
Races and Species:
- Earth-7614
- Ithacon
- Circe (moon of Ithacon) (Mentioned)
- Nausikaa (moon of Ithacon) (Mentioned)
- Ithacon
- Star Seed
Synopsis for "The Sword in the Star!: Stave 1: Alas, the Seeds of Man!"
Reprint of the 2nd story from
Marvel Preview #4
Marvel Preview #4
In the middle of a battle in the Haamin galaxy, the Ithacons stood by their dying king as many of their men had been slaughtered by the Black Fleet. As the king died, he ordered his sword to be given to his son Prince Wayfinder. Delphos, a man referred to as a "wizard", predicted that Wayfinder would never become king. Wayfinder refused to believe this prediction and refused to follow his father's order to return to battle. Delphos took the prince into battle, as the Black Fleet cut down more of the Ithacons. The Ithacons were decimated, except for Wayfinder and Delphos who survived. The two fled into the burning trees until they reached Delphos' sanctum, where he explained that all of his "magic" was actually science from 15,000 years prior. Delphos told the prince to sit down in a chair, where the latter learned of the history of how humans settled on different planets and forgot about each other. Then, Delphos explained that he was chosen to be a "Methusalah" and live for roughly 10,000 years. Delphos showed Wayfinder a robot named Alkinoos, who would pilot them away from the Haamin fleet into space , as the scientist bled out.