Marvel Database

Quote1 It looked like any other television set...but when I turned the dial the screen turned into a reflection of shocking TERROR! Quote2
—From the splash page of "A Call in the Night"

Appearing in "The Strange Men"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Saturnians
    • Dr. Lemut
    • General Mortell (Agent W-1)
    • Numerous unnamed Saturnians

Races and Species:



  • Red Pigeon (Ted's Plane)
  • Saturnian Planes

Synopsis for "The Strange Men"

Doctor Lemut from Saturn discusses his plans for Earth conquest with a captured Navy pilot, but the man succeeds in escaping. Unfortunately for Earth, when the pilot attempts to warn his superior of impending attack the superior turns out to be one of Lemut's agents.

Appearing in "The Beast"

Featured Characters:

  • Roger Phillips (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Numerous unnamed zoo keepers


  • Paul Lorenze (First appearance)
  • Professor Manheim (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Gorilla (First appearance; dies)

Races and Species:



  • Professor Manheim's Evolution Serum

Synopsis for "The Beast"

An evil man is regressed into an ape and he attacks and kills the experimenter. The authorities capture and place him in a zoo.

Appearing in "Death!"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
War Comics #2
(originally printed as Shellshocked!)

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Man


  • Unidentified Creature

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Hotel Manager

Races and Species:



  • Mysterious Sea Shell

Synopsis for "Death!"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
War Comics #2
(originally printed as Shellshocked!)

A man recalled the time he became scared of sea shells. Ten years earlier, he went to a hotel in Maine after recovering from pneumonia. On his tenth day in Maine, he walked along the shore, went inside of a cove, and began to feel tired. He decided to rest, but when he reopened his eyes, he had felt the tide rising. He looked down, saw a large conch shell, and took it with him. He returned to his hotel by sundown.

At 9:30, he examined the shell and noticed that the shell was yellow-green and had blue veins, rather than pink, which had repulsed him. He held the shell to his ear and heard what sounded like a scream. Then, he had detected an unpleasant odor from the shell, before leaving it on his table. After going to bed, he detected the unpleasant odor again and he heard the wind howling. Next, he found himself covered in seaweed and trying to break free.

Moments later, the manager claimed that the man had been sick with fever and wrestling with his bedclothes. Next, he realized that it was only a light breeze with barely any wind. Then, on the table, he saw the yellow-green shell with a strand of seaweed hanging upon it.

He kept his lights on for the rest of the night and in the morning, he went back to the ocean and threw the shell in, before rushing back to the hotel.

Appearing in "The Room That Didn't Exist"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Karl


  • Luren

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Hotel Manager (Hotel Grimwald)
  • Dracula (Mentioned)
  • Numerous unnamed ghosts

Races and Species:



  • Luren's Ring

Synopsis for "The Room That Didn't Exist"

A man encounters the ghost of a woman in the forest who used to lure travelers to their doom back in 1616.

Appearing in "A Call in the Night"

Featured Characters:

  • Joe

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Grey (Dream)
  • Wulfken (Dream)
  • Mr. Brown
  • Wulfken

Other Characters:

  • Aunt Sue (Mentioned) (Deceased)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "A Call in the Night"

A TV repairman has a dream wherein his wife becomes the victim of a man who encases people in bronze. When he wakes, he finds the circumstances of the dream coming true.

See Also

Links and References

