Appearing in "The Torch Meets the Iceman!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Captain Barracuda's Crew
- Captain Barracuda ⏵ (First appearance)
- "Baldy"
- Numerous unnamed crewmembers
Other Characters:
- Fantastic Four
- Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Named only)
- X-Men
- Gotham Boat Line (First appearance)
- Numerous unnamed cruise patrons
Races and Species:
- Unidentified Gotham Boat Line Cruise Ship
- Captain Barracuda's Boat
Synopsis for "The Torch Meets the Iceman!"
When both the Human Torch and Iceman take the same cruise in New York Harbor, a spat between the elemental supers breaks out over Johnny's date Dorrie Evans. However, their rivalry for the girl's affections ends when the ship is raided by the pirate Captain Barracuda and his men. The two heroes team up and use their powers to take down Barracuda and his crew, but quickly following the battle, Iceman has to leave in order to protect his secret identity. Afterwards, the Torch realizes he has a newfound respect for his polar opposite.
Appearing in "The House of Shadows!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Unidentified TV Crew
- Bill Brinkly (First appearance) (TV Show Presenter)
- Allan Stevens (First appearance) (TV Show Reporter)
- Numerous unnamed employees
- House of Shadows ⏵ (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Numerous unnamed New Yorkers
- Unnamed Police Officer
- Vishanti (Invoked)
- Dormammu (Invoked)
- Munnopor (Invoked)
- Ancient One (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Earthspace
- Astral Plane
- Munnopor (Invoked)
- Moons of Munnopor (Invoked)
- Unidentified Dimension (Mentioned)
- Lesser Cloak of Levitation
- Amulet of Agamotto
- Spells
- Hands of Oshtur (First appearance)
- Hosts of Hoggoth (Invoked)
- Moons of Munnopor (First appearance)
- Vapors of the Vishanti (First appearance)
Synopsis for "The House of Shadows!"
When a local haunted house becomes the subject of a television program trying to debunk it as a hoax, the camera crew attracts the attention of a crowd of spectators. Among them is Doctor Strange. Believing the house to be truly haunted, Strange enters the building and confronts its mystical attacks. He forces the entity in the house to reveal itself to him and tell him its purpose. He learns that it is from another time-continuum and that it has come to observe humanity. With the threat neutralized, Strange exits the house and uses a spell to make it return from where it came. The spectators gather, then flee from Doctor Strange in fear.
Appearing in "The Salesman"
Mystic #51
Featured Characters:
- Mr. Frankle
Supporting Characters:
- Red Mop (Clown)
Other Characters:
- Karl Tire Company (First appearance)
- Mr. Karl
- Mr. Karl's Secretary
- Red Mop's Great-Great Grandfather (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- "Magic Laughing Powder"
Synopsis for "The Salesman"
Mystic #51
Mr. Frankle a depressed tire salesman is given a jar of "Magic Laughing Powder" by a clown he assisted with a flat tire. The powder give Mr. Frankle the confidence and sincerity he always had to help sell more tires. He learns this lesson when he returns to Red Mop, the clown who gave him the powder, who tells him the powder was never magical and that it was Frankle all along.
Publisher Notes[]
- "The Salesman" reprint text story is broken up between this issue and next issue.
Continuity Notes[]
The Torch Meets the Iceman!
- The newspaper the Human Torch is reading has a cover story about the X-Men battling the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. At the time of this story, the most recent time the X-Men battled the Brotherhood was in X-Men #5.
- Iceman appears here covered in snow as he had not yet mastered the ability to turn into pure ice until X-Men #8.
The House of Shadows!
- The amulet that Doctor Strange is wearing here is the Amulet of Agamotto, and should not be confused with the Eye of Agamotto which he was gifted in Strange Tales #126
- Although banished by Doctor Strange in this story, the House of Shadows resurfaces again in Rom #5.