Appearing in "Flesh and Blood"
Featured Characters:
- Foster Hale (First appearance; dies)
Supporting Characters:
- Univec (First appearance)
- Univec the First
- Numerous unnamed Univec robots
- Marge
- Prescott Saunders (First appearance)
- Violent Mob
- Numerous unnamed members
Other Characters:
- United States Army
- Four unnamed soldiers
- Two unnamed medical personnel
- Unidentified Police Department
- Two unnamed police officers
- Smith (Mechanic)
- Lord (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Flesh and Blood"
Genius scientist Foster Hale creates Univec, a powerful thinking robot capable of thinking on his own. However Prescott Saunders, the owner of Univec's manufacturer, forces Hale to remake it in human form. As Hale had predicted humanity begins to resent Univecs. When trying to stop one mob into destroying one Hale is apparently killed, everyone is then shocked to discover Hale himself was a thinking robot!
Appearing in "Boomerang"
Featured Characters:
- Ben Moorehead (First appearance; dies)
Supporting Characters:
- Dr. Olaf Reinmann (First appearance)
- Numerous unnamed customers
Other Characters:
- Mr. Harvey
- Unnamed Woman
- Unnamed Teenager
Races and Species:
- Earth-616
- Earth
- United States of America
- Marleigh's Department Store
- United States of America
- Earth
Synopsis for "Boomerang"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Moment of Glory"
Featured Characters:
- Sammy Glenn (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Santa Claus (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Ben Graham (First appearance)
- Joe
- Jim Leverett (Grave)
- Madge Reynolds (First appearance)
- Carl Reynolds (Mentioned)
- Wes Morrow (First appearance)
- Unnamed Woman
- Sylvester Van Dyne (Mentioned)
- Unnamed Man (Corporation President)
Races and Species:
- Earth-616
- Earth
- United States of America
- Jones' Garage
- Fernville (First appearance)
- United States of America
- Earth
- Santa Claus' Car
Synopsis for "Moment of Glory"
Sammy Glenn is a former engineer that is now reduced to be a car attendant. One day Sammy decides to take one costumer car and dress in his clothes to impress the people who wronged him before, only to discover they are worse than himself. Sammy then decides to enter a fancy club where he meets a beautiful woman and is offered a nice new job. Sammy cannot believe his new look or why it happened, the ending reveals it's Christmas Day and the car's true owner is Santa Claus.
Appearing in "The Last Barrier!"
Featured Characters:
- Mr. Otto Brown (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- United States Air Force (First appearance)
- General Riles
- Numerous unnamed military personnel
- Unidentified Aliens
- Numerous unnamed aliens
Races and Species:
- Earth-Unknown (First appearance)
- Earth (First appearance)
- United States of America (First appearance)
- Pentagon (Mentioned)
- Washington, D.C. (First appearance)
- National Mall (First appearance)
- Capitol Building (First appearance)
- National Mall (First appearance)
- United States of America (First appearance)
- Earth (First appearance)
Synopsis for "The Last Barrier!"
A military team is assemble to search for the truth in flying saucers sightings, one man Otto Brown volunteers to find one. He correctly predicts when the next sighting will be and then tails the mysterious aircraft. After a long and menacing chase the saucer gives up at twenty-five thousand feet, Brown later theorizes earth's atmosphere pressure works a protective shield against the aliens. However Brown is then horrified to find the world's oxygen pressure is falling with a final scene showing several saucers descending on Washington.
Appearing in "The Strange Room"
Featured Characters:
- Jim Howard (First appearance)
- Helen Howard (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Mr. Carter
- Hubert
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Waitress
Races and Species:
- Earth-616
- Earth
- United States of America
- Blue Cedars
- United States of America
- Earth
Synopsis for "The Strange Room"
After a bickering couple take a room on a hotel while on vacation they suddenly regain their love and devotion for each other. However the ending reveals they are repeating the events of one year before where a loving husband killed his wife for no reason in the same room.
Appearing in "Family Tree!"
Featured Characters:
- Karl Schultz (First appearance; dies)
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed Watchman
- Slovanian Army (First appearance)
- Mark
- Unnamed Soldier
Other Characters:
- Ludwig von Schultz (Named only) (Gravestone)
- Charlemagne (Mentioned in narration)
- Slovanian Prime Minister
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Rats
- Werewolves (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Family Tree!"
A man tries to fake himself as a heir to the throne of Slovania by forging his name on the recorded royal family tree. It fails horribly when he realizes the family branch he choose was from a family of werewolves and he's killed for it.