Marvel Database

Quote1 It seems unbelievable!! But it must be true! And there is only one possible explanation... What we regarded as a monster of Earth must actually be an alien from the water planet-- Aqua-Centurious... It's spaceship crash landed here in the ocean ...and couldn't leave the water-- for it couldn't breathe our air! Quote2
Professor Efrem Marsh

Appearing in "Trapped Between Two Worlds!"

Featured Characters:

  • Jeff Raye

Supporting Characters:

  • Butch (Cat)


  • Unnamed Leader
  • Noki

Races and Species:



  • Jeff Raye's Transporter

Synopsis for "Trapped Between Two Worlds!"

A scientist uses a cat to test a matter transportation device and then the cat gets revenge by tripping the control switch while the man is working on it. He finds himself beamed to an experimental receiving device stationed on a planet of warlike aliens who haven't yet figured out the secret of getting it to work. While he is stuck in the status field, the aliens demand he given them the knowledge. He finds their attitude suspicious and refuses, but they download the information from his mind in anticipation of invasion plans for Earth. The man frees himself by throwing his watch against the controls, and pursues the aliens to where they have taken his thought download disk for decoding, and he seizes it from them and makes a break back towards the transmitter. He arrives safely back on Earth and destroys his version of the machine so they cannot follow him.

Strange Tales Vol 1 67 001

Appearing in "I Seek the Sea Serpent"

Featured Characters:

  • Professor Efrem Marsh (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Efrem Marsh's Crew
    • Unnamed Captain
    • Numerous unnamed members


  • "Sea Serpent" (First appearance; dies) (Main story and flashback)

Other Characters:

  • Charlie
  • Unnamed Fisherman (Only in flashback)
  • Manuel

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Main story and flashback)
  • Aqua-Centuriousians (Main story and flashback)
  • Whales (Mentioned)
  • Geese (Mentioned)



  • Efrem Marsh's Boat
  • Alien's Spacecraft (Wreckage)

Synopsis for "I Seek the Sea Serpent"

A scientist tracks down a sea serpent, but the crew of his ship panics and kills it. When they try to recover the creature's body they discover that it was an alien trying to communicate with humans after crash landing on Earth centuries ago.

Appearing in "I Was the Invisible Man!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Professor Howard


  • Numerous unnamed criminals

Other Characters:

  • First National Bank
    • Unnamed Security Guard
  • Daily Globe (Named only)
  • Unidentified Police Department
    • Unnamed Sergeant
    • Numerous unnamed police officers
  • Unnamed Mailman
  • Chronicle (Named only)
  • Post Bugle (Named only)
  • News Courier (Named only)
  • Unnamed Boxing Champion
  • Carpenters
    • Pete
    • Two unnamed carpenters
  • Herbie

Races and Species:



  • Vibra-Light

Synopsis for "I Was the Invisible Man!"

A scientist uses a device that makes the particles of a living body move at the speed of light rendering him invisible to the eye. He conducts a series of stunts in order to build up a name for himself so he can them go public and cash in. After forty days he glances into the mirror that morning and realizes that he has aged forty years during that span. Since he has sped up his body so dramatically, his aging has accelerated in proportion, and he realizes with the little time left to him that he can no longer use his knowledge for selfish gain.

Strange Tales Vol 1 67 013

Appearing in "Discovery"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Astonishing #54

Featured Characters:

  • Chauncey

Supporting Characters:

  • Zeke

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Attendant
  • Muscles Magee
  • Zeke
  • Magee's Manager

Races and Species:


  • Unidentifed Gas station
  • Hotchkiss Fair


  • Irmegarde

Synopsis for "Discovery"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Astonishing #54

A scrawny man is given a magic candy bar that confers great strength, but he discovers that he already possesses more strength than he suspects.

Appearing in "The Man Who Never Was!"

Featured Characters:

  • Eric Bohn (First appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:

  • Professor Philip Atherton

Other Characters:

  • Captain William Kidd (Main story and flashback)
  • Captain Kidd's Crew (Main story and flashback)
    • Henry Bohn (First appearance; dies) (Main story and flashback)
    • Numerous unnamed members (Main story and flashback)

Races and Species:



  • Professor Philip Atherton's Time Machine


  • Captain Kidd's Ship (Main story and flashback)

Synopsis for "The Man Who Never Was!"

  • Synopsis not yet written


See Also

Links and References

