Marvel Database

Quote1 I've been looking for you since you were lost! Come to me, my vampire son! I am your true father! Quote2
Mathias Amplas

Appearing in "My Brother Talks To Bats!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Vid Csizmad (First appearance) (Unnamed) (George's Brother)
  • Janos Csizmad (First appearance) (Unnamed) (George's Father)
  • Eva Csizmad (First appearance) (Unnamed) (George's Mother)

Other Characters:

  • Dracula (Referenced)
  • Budapest Police (Mentioned)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "My Brother Talks To Bats!"

Our narrator is a boy who lives in the Hungarian village of Sverna. His older brother George frequently sneaks out of the house and goes to a nearby castle which is said to have once been the home of Dracula. There, George finds a group of giant bats, and he talks to them about his worrying urges to drink human blood. When his parents learn that he is conflicted over this, they put him in chains and throw him in the basement--because Sverna is a vampire village, and it wouldn't do for a respectable family to have a half-human son!

Appearing in "He Wished He Were a Vampire"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Mathias Amplas (First appearance) (Unnamed)
  • Howard Bosely (First appearance; dies) (Unnamed)
  • Marion Bosely (First appearance; dies) (Unnamed)

Other Characters:

  • Dracula (Referenced)
  • Freddie
  • Numerous unnamed theater goers

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "He Wished He Were a Vampire"

A teenager named George likes going to Dracula movies and biting audience members on the neck. When he goes home, he is shadowed by a mystery man who claims to be a "student of the occult." At home, he attempts to suck the blood from the family cat, leading his father to beat him with a belt. When George's own blood runs into his mouth, he suddenly transforms into a genuine vampire and kills his parents. The mysterious stranger then enters and transforms into a vampire, revealing himself as our hero's real father!

Appearing in "The Strange Hat"

Featured Characters:

  • Professor Hiram Walker (First appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:

  • Professor Enoch Thurston (First appearance)


  • Unidentified African Headhunters
    • Unnamed Chief (Referenced)
    • Chief Tunga
    • Numerous unnamed tribals

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Strange Hat"

Professor Hiram Walker traveled to Africa to study and befriend a tribe of African headhunters who long ago he saved their former chief from a lion. Professor Enoch Thurston would routinely receive letters from Walker in their home city of London, informing him of his time with the tribe. After sometime without a letter Thurston received one in which Walker described himself teaching the tribe of their culture but in exchange to not offend Walker learned how to shrink heads. Walker concluded the letter asking for a hat after Chief Tunga took a liking to his own.

In Africa Walker continued to work with the tribe but soon found that their pleasant attitude was beginning to fade after more and more of Tunga's enemies were pouring in for their heads to be shrunken. It was at this time Walker received a response package from Thurston that of some fine brandy, carton of cigarettes, and a tiny hat meant as a joke. The package made Walker smile as he shared the cigarettes with the tribe and the brandy with Tunga.

Sometime later without receiving letters Thurston became worried. Soon after however he did receive a letter but not from Walker... instead it was from Tunga thanking Thurston for the hat as it fits Professor Walker's head perfectly.

Appearing in "Tap! Tap! Tap!"

Featured Characters:

  • Soviet Navy
    • Commander Zorko (First appearance; dies)
    • Gorz (First appearance; dies)
    • Varlo (First appearance; dies)
    • Numerous unnamed soldiers (First appearance; dies)


Races and Species:



  • Soviet Submarine
  • American Destroyer


Synopsis for "Tap! Tap! Tap!"

After attacking an American destroyer during the Korean War, a Communist submarine hastily submerges, despite the fact that one of its crewmembers was still on deck fixing a gun. Underwater, the submarine's crew begins to hear a mysterious tapping sound which increases their terror and gives away their position to the American destroyer. The destroyer's depth charges hastily blow the sub to the surface, and the drowned crewman is found to still be caught on deck, clutching a hammer!

Appearing in "Who Stands in the Shadows"

Featured Characters:

  • Len Ambers (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Bernie


  • Lucy Ambers (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Unidentified Fire Department
    • Numerous unnamed firefighters
  • Unidentified Police Department
    • Unnamed Police Officer

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Who Stands in the Shadows"

Len Ambers loves his house, but his wife Lucy deliberately makes life difficult for him by insisting that they move to a smaller residence. One night, Len meets an odd little man named Bernie who suggests that Len should murder Lucy. Bernie asks Len to bring Lucy down to an old house which he promises to set on fire. The next night, Len mentions the house to Lucy, and she immediately goes down to investigate it. Following her, Len sees that the house is indeed on fire, but Lucy is not inside, and he is forced to kill her with a wooden beam. Len summons a policeman and claims that his wife must have been struck by a falling beam inside the burning building, but he is immediately arrested. It seems that the house actually burned down 25 years ago, set on fire by "some fire-bug named Bernie."

Appearing in "The Horrible Man"

Featured Characters:

  • Horrible Man (Hugo Ryner) (First appearance) (Apparent death)

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed Dachshaven Mayor


  • Unnamed Hag

Other Characters:

  • Numerous unnamed denizens of Dachshaven

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Horrible Man"

Hugo Ryner, the richest man in the European town of Dachshaven, hates almost everything and everyone in the world, but reserves a special hatred for cats. Therefore, he pays an old gypsy woman for a poison which kills every cat in the village. This naturally leads to a massive rat infestation, and the mayor offers a considerable sum to the man who can kill the most rats in one day. The greedy Hugo returns to the old woman, but she refuses to sell him any rat poison. Angrily, he knocks her out, steals the poison, and collects the reward. He goes to the secret cellar where he stores his money, but finds himself cornered by a gigantic, human-sized rat which has the face of the old woman!

See Also

Links and References

