Appearing in "Rise, Thou Killer Whale!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Atlantean Army
- Kavor
- Numerous unnamed soldiers
- Four
- Krang (Mentioned)
- Dr. Dorcas (Mentioned)
- Dr. Damon Walthers (First appearance)
- "Taylor" (First appearance) (Research Assistant)
- Council of Elders
- Raman
- Unnamed Council Member
- Neptune (Mentioned)
- Numerous unnamed Zephyrean citizens
Races and Species:
- Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Atlanteans
- Demons (Mentioned)
- Zephyreans
- Fish
- Humans
- Rabbits
- Hydro-Men (Mentioned)
- Banari
- Whales
- Earthspace
- Zephyrland
- Heaven (Mentioned)
- Hell (Mentioned)
- Magical Golden Submarine
- World War II (Referenced)
Synopsis for "Rise, Thou Killer Whale!"
Namor follows Virago the She-Beast back to this dimension to continue their battle. Namor and his Atlantean guard are able to drive her off. However, Virago inadvertently frees Orka and together they decide to mount a combined attack against Atlantis. Namor and Tamara find themselves overwhelmed and Orka's killer whales cause a lot of devastation in Atlantis.
Appearing in "Tales of Atlantis: The Sword in the Throne!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- King Kamuu of Ancient Atlantis (Vision or hallucination)
- Queen Zartra of Ancient Atlantis (Vision or hallucination)
- Zartra (First appearance)
- Shabarr (Death)
Other Characters:
- Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie) (Vision or hallucination)
- Kull (Mentioned)
- Elanna (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Atlanteans
- Demons
- Sea-Gods (Invoked)
- Humans (Vision or hallucination)
- Atlantean-Human Hybrids (Vision or hallucination)
- Earth
- Atlantic Ocean
- Ruins of Ancient Atlantis
- Tower of Serpents
- Atlantis (Kamuu) (Vision or hallucination)
- Atlantis (Modern) (Vision or hallucination)
- Ruins of Ancient Atlantis
- Atlantis (Nation) (Vision or hallucination)
- Atlantic Ocean
- Sword of Kamuu
- Sphere of the Ages (Vision or hallucination) (First appearance)
- Neptune's Trident (Vision or hallucination)
Synopsis for "Tales of Atlantis: The Sword in the Throne!"
Kamuu enters the ruins of Atlantis where he unsheathes the sword of the long-dead emperor to fight off the demon that pursued him. Upon presenting the sword, the skeletal demon bows in obedience, stating that it had not recognized him, but before Kamuu can question it he falls over in a daze and awakens in a vision. In this vision, he is met by the spirits of the Kamuu and Zartra from before the fall of Atlantis. They share with him that he will be a great king and that the steps he takes now will lay the groundwork for an even greater king and Atlantis. When he awakens from his vision, Kamuu claims the ruins of Atlantis as the place where he will build the new Atlantis. While doing so, he is met by Zartra, the daughter of Queen Elanna, Kamuu's sworn enemy and the slayer of Kamuu's father. Zartra explains that she's not there for battle and that her mother is a seer who knows Kamuu's destiny and hopes that Zartra can make peace with him in order to unite their kingdoms. When Kamuu agrees, Zartra suggests that they throw down their swords in friendship "and perhaps...more than that." And thus the first book in the eons-spanning saga of Namor's undersea realm concludes.
- This issue's letters page printed a letter from a reader asking why the surface people in the "Tales of Atlantis" story in Sub-Mariner #62 were blue-skinned. The editorial reply was that Kamuu and Zartra were blue-skinned for "the most ridiculous reason of all: a colorist’s error that we simply did not catch until we saw the proofs of the first Tales of Atlantis story – at which time it was too late to change the second episode!"
- The presence in this issue of the explanation for that coloring error did not prevent that mistake from being repeated since, when the original Kamuu and Zartra appeared in this issue's Tales of Atlantis as spirits, they were again depicted as blue-skinned.