This unnamed Super-Skrull with the powers of s Hyperion, Whizzer, and Doctor Spectrum was one of the invading force during their Invasion of Earth. He was one of several sent to the United Kingdom where he was sent to keep MI13 at the Siege Perilous alongside "Legion of Monsters" Skrull so they would be killed when the Skrulls destroyed the Perilous. After a short battle, this Skrull was beheaded by Captain Britain.[1]
- Duplicate of copy of Doctor Spectrum's Power Prism
- This Skrull was never identified but has been listed under "Squadron Supreme" because his power set and look evokes three members of the original Squadron Supreme.
See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Super-Skrull (Squadron Supreme) (Earth-616)
- 1 image(s) of Super-Skrull (Squadron Supreme) (Earth-616)