Marvel Database

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Fred has to balance being the leader of a gang and his legal problems. He and his group rob a restaurant for free food, where they are attacked by the Punisher. All of his accomplices escape, leaving Boomerang alone with the Punisher, in reality the Chameleon, who tells Fred that he must bring him Silvio Manfredi's head. To further complicate matters, Fred is placed on probation under Mach-VII's surveillance

Solicit Synopsis

• With superior villains come superior problems as the year’s sleeper hit continues!

• Out of bail and aiming to stay out of jail, Boomerang must get his cronies on target – but does the PUNISHER have them targeted already?

• Nick Spencer (AVENGERS) and Steve Lieber (HAWKEYE) continue this most evil exploration into the Marvel U!

See Also

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