Marvel Database

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Fred traces the story of Silvermane's head: the old crime boss turned into a cyborg so as not to die and mysteriously disappeared during a clash with the Owl gang, after his robotic body was destroyed. At this point there are two different stories going around: the first that the head remained alive had been found by a child and that over time the mafia had become a friend of his and his mother and had decided to stay with him, the second that the head had remained alive, but that the Owl has found it torturing what is left of Manfredi ever since. Fred believes the second version, but he can't do anything to get hold of it, because he has Mach-VII watching over him and so the gang doesn't want to work with him anymore. Taken by Abner to a support meeting for ex-supervillains, Fred tips him on the activities of the gang being attacked by Power-Man and Iron Fist.

Solicit Synopsis

• With superior villains come superior problems as the year’s sleeper hit continues!

• Out of bail and aiming to stay out of jail, Boomerang must get his cronies on target – but does the PUNISHER have them targeted already?

• Nick Spencer (AVENGERS) and Steve Lieber (HAWKEYE) continue this most evil exploration into the Marvel U!

See Also

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