Marvel Database

Quote1 Isn't it obvious, my friends? We are all of one mind now. We are a cluster of spiders! A colony! Dare I say... a Superior Colony! Quote2
Superior Spider-Boy

Appearing in "The Greater Good"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Octo-Sub

Synopsis for "The Greater Good"

Otto runs away with Supernova, and Spider-Man can't pursue him because the equipment created to fight her was damaged in the fight and could cause a disastrous explosion. Hearing how he speaks, Supernova realizes that it was Otto who kept her imprisoned for years and he admits it. Meanwhile, Doc Ock's mind spreads through Manhattan via spiders, while Peter and Anna Maria manage to contain the explosion.

Solicit Synopsis

A final showdown will determine once and for all who is truly the Superior Spider-Man!

See Also

Links and References

