Marvel Database


Susan Banner is the sister of Elaine Banner and Brian Banner.[2]

Her sister Elaine went on to marry Morris Walters, and together they had a daughter named Jennifer becoming Susan's niece;[3] while Susan herself married a man by the name of Mr. Drake, making her Susan Banner-Drake but later on their marriage crumbled and they had a divorce.[4]

Eventually, Brian married a woman named Rebecca, and eventually had a son who named after their father, Bruce, becoming Susan and Elaine's nephew. As the years went on, Brian went insane with fear and paranoia, he ended up abusing Bruce and Rebecca just like his father abused their family. Susan was distraught learning of what her brother had done, she tried to help him and persuade him but Brian denied her help and Susan was really upset that her own brother rejected her.[citation needed]

After a few years he finally went too far and killed Rebecca; after that he was placed in a mental institution for the next 15 years, while Bruce went to stay with his Aunt Susan, becoming a surrogate family to him. Following this, she finally had it with her brother and stopped having any contact with him.[citation needed]

While Bruce was in high school, he was under the care of Susan, She had recently finalized the divorce from her husband Mr. Drake and preferred to be called Miss Banner once again. One day she was called to the hospital because Bruce had been beaten up at school.[citation needed]

Susan then went down to the school to speak with the principal who informed her that their officials were looking into who beat up Bruce, but no one was coming forward with information, leading to conflict between Susan and the principal. The principal then asked Susan who the 'Hulk' is, and Susan explained to him that it was an imaginary friend that Bruce had created 10 years ago to combat the stress of what his father had done to him and his mother.[citation needed]

Susan leaves the principal's office angry and frustrated at the lack of help for her nephew; When she and Bruce made it back home she shockingly receives a letter from Bruce's father Brian Banner, she crumples it up without reading it, not wanting to trouble Bruce any further and she had a mental breakdown and she had taken comfort from her nephew and they grew closer.[citation needed]

For the next couple of days Bruce stayed at home from school, complaining about not feeling well and Susan didn't push the issue and Susan decided to take care of him.[citation needed]

Then one rainy afternoon, Susan received a call from the police, saying that Bruce had run off back to the school and built a bomb and she freaked out. The local police issued Susan an ultimatum, for the both of them to leave town and never return, or they would press charges and arrest Bruce.[citation needed]

Susan felt there was no choice but to pack up their things from their home and take Bruce with her, hoping to find a town where they can have a better start. But out of nowhere, Major Thaddeus Ross knocked on her front door and told her it was him who convinced the police to give her the ultimatum. As it turned out, Ross wants Bruce to work for him in weapon designing, Susan at first didn't like the idea but she ended up agreeing to the deal hoping it would help Bruce. A few years later, Bruce became a high-class nuclear physicist with a PhD, and worked with Ross to make the Gamma Bomb. After that, Susan had a private life and no one had seen her since.[citation needed]

See Also

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