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Quote1 Spider-Man isn't home right now. Will we do? Quote2
Spider-Man's Symbiote

Appearing in 1st story

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  • Maglev

Synopsis for 1st story

In the skies of Nueva York, the Venom-ized Roman evades the Public Eye officers who pursue him. A group of teens are unfortunate enough to find themselves in the midst of the chase as Venom lands on their airborne Maglev car. Roman throws the teens to their death and shifts his focus to the Public Eye officers, killing one and taking his cycle for himself. At this point Spider-Man arrives, telling the other remaining officer to bail before turning his attention to Venom. Spider-Man attempts to reach out to Roman within the Symbiote, urging him to stop. Venom refuses, at which point Spider-Man informs him that Public Eye cycles blow up whenever their rider bails. As if on cue, the bike Venom hijacked immediately explodes, sending him crashing into the flooded Nueva York. Venom then decides to return to New Atlantis, finding that his fellow New Atlanteans desire to cease their attacks against the surface world. The Venom symbiote insists that they cannot stop now, however Roman disagrees. Their disagreement leads to Roman demanding that the symbiote leave him. It obliges, albeit clearly unhappy to do so.

Later at Alchemax, Miguel fills Gabri in on his encounter with Venom during a holocommunication. The conversation switches to Doctor Hibby's super-soldier program involving the Venom symbiote as Gabri asks if Miguel is even aware of it. Despite clearly not knowing about it, Miguel attempts to ease Gabri's concerns by telling him that the program is under control just like Kron Stone is. Conchata then immediately informs Miguel that Kron is loose due to escaping from an ambulance transferring him to a hospital. Miguel is shocked and asks why Kron was being sent to a hospital in the first place. After being reminded that he had beaten and seriously injured Kron, Miguel asks to see Doctor Hibby. Kron Stone meanwhile has returned to his old apartment building in Downtown. After a brief encounter with a young girl and her mother on the way over, Kron kicks the locked door of his unit open and immediately collapses onto the couch in exhaustion.

Miguel then meets with Doctor Hibby to discuss the super-soldier program. Doctor Hibby attempts to play dumb by asking if Miguel means the one which created Captain America but Miguel makes it clear that he is both aware of and asking about the program involving the Venom symbiote. Shocked, Doctor Hibby attempts to ask how Miguel is even aware of the program, but he is immediately cut off by Miguel demanding that Hibby tell him about the program. Hibby then goes on to explain that the Venom symbiote had spawned. Hibby adds on that the spawning was completely spontaneous but that the symbiote had mutated in doing so, likely due to it's exposure to Kron and time on Earth. Miguel is not impressed and demands that Hibby destroy the spawn due to the risk it poses. Hibby agrees to do so and leaves the room.

After the meeting Miguel finds himself in his office with Conchata informing him that Tyler Stone is on his way over. Miguel is not at all surprised by this as he recalls that Tyler wants control of Alchemax back. Conchata suggests that maybe Miguel should allow Tyler to take power back, telling him that the role of CEO has made him far more confrontational and argumentative. Miguel angrily responds by telling her that he is running a company that could potentially end the world by making a single mistake, adding that she should just thank him and get out of his office. Conchata then does exactly that. Once she leaves, Miguel asks Lyla if she is sill linked to Alchemax's database. After she tells him that she is, Miguel asks her to spy on Doctor Hibby and report on his efforts to destroy the symbiote spawn. Lyla does so and informs Miguel that Doctor Hibby is laughing and saying that he will "show them all." Lyla asks if that is good, to which Miguel responds that it isn't. Miguel then gets up from his desk and equips his new costume that he designed using nanobots. Once suited up, Miguel sneaks into Doctor Hibby's laboratory and hangs on a web behind the Doctor. Spider-Man startles Hibby by asking if he had done what Miguel ordered him to. Hibby then informs Spider-Man that he had been training the symbiotes to obey him. He decides to demonstrate by ordering the symbiote to kill Spider-Man. The symbiote approaches the startled Spider-Man but rather than kill him as ordered, it merely observes. As it does so, it says that Spider-Man is "interesting." Hibby is surprised by this as he questions that the symbiote can talk. The symbiote then tells Hibby that it is going to demonstrate how little he knows about it while it begins to envelop Spider-Man.

In the bathroom of his apartment, Kron Stone assesses his injuries while he angrily questions how Miguel O'Hara was able to beat him this badly. As Kron prepares to take a shower, The Punisher smashes Kron's face into the bathroom mirror. Gallows tells Kron that he had a cambot monitoring Kron's apartment in case he decided to return. He then adds that he is happy to see Kron again, remarking that he killed Kron too quickly last time as he continues to beat on him. Gallows tells Kron about his family members he murdered, cutting him off as he attempts to apologize. Just as Gallows is about to pull the trigger, the Venom symbiote descends from the shower head and onto Kron. As the symbiote bonds to it's former host, Punisher fires his gun at the pair in surprise. Venom mocks the futility of Punisher's shots, sarcastically saying "ow" as each blast has no effect on him. Venom continues to mock Punisher as the latter escapes through the window onto his midair cycle, though is quickly cut off by an explosion in the apartment. However this is but a momentary distraction as Venom leaps soon leaps out of the burning building and onto the Punisher's cycle. Venom then forms a blade on his hand and stabs through Punisher's head, seemingly killing him. As Punisher's body falls off the cycle, Venom ponders whether or not this cycle has the same safety measure as the Public Eye cycle Roman hijacked previously. Sure enough it does and Venom is caught in it's explosion.

Back in Doctor Hibby's lab, he asks Spider-Man if he's okay. The response he receives however is not from Spider-Man but from the symbiote spawn that is now bonded to him. The symbiote replies that Spider-Man isn't home right now and asks "will we do?"

Solicit Synopsis


Set your time circuits ahead to the techno-dystopian future of 2099! Comic legend PETER DAVID (THE INCREDIBLE HULK, SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN, SPIDER-MAN 2099) triumphantly returns to pen the next epic chapter in the Symbiote Spider-Man Saga alongside artist ROGÊ ANTÔNIO (CARNAGE).

Set your time circuits ahead to the techno-dystopian future of 2099! Miguel O’Hara, A.K.A. SPIDER-MAN 2099, is facing a hostile takeover – of his own body! Kron Stone, the VENOM of 2099 wages an all-out assault on Alchemax, and the only hope of stopping him lies with the power awakened by a top-secret project gone terribly wrong. What must Miguel sacrifice to seal the bond with his new symbiote – his body? His mind? His very soul?!


See Also

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