Appearing in "I Brought the Mighty Cyclops Back to Life!"
Featured Characters:
- Duncan (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Amanda (First appearance)
- Polyphemus (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
Other Characters:
- Ulysses (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
Races and Species:
- Earth-616 (Main story and flashback)
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Mediterranean Sea (Main story and flashback)
- Hidden Isle (Main story and flashback)}
- Mediterranean Sea (Main story and flashback)
- Sun
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Duncan's Boat
Synopsis for "I Brought the Mighty Cyclops Back to Life!"
A man finds the Cyclops on an island encased in ice. He frees him with an ax and the monster attempts to destroy him, but he leads the creature across another patch of ice covering a crevasse which is too thin to support his weight and the Cyclops finds himself buried in the crevasse once again.

Appearing in "Out of the Jungle"
Journey Into Mystery #4
Synopsis for "Out of the Jungle"
Journey Into Mystery #4
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "I Was Trapped In Nightmare Valley"
Featured Characters:
- Frank Savage
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed Beggar
- "Nightmare Trees"
Other Characters:
- Maharaja of Banpur
Races and Species:
- Unidentified alien species
- Humans
- Gazelles (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Rhinoceroses (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Tigers (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Horses
- Elephants
Synopsis for "I Was Trapped In Nightmare Valley"
A great hunter describes the time he went into the Nightmare Valley where he met a group of alien trees. The trees attempted to grab him but he broke free and so the trees charged him into some quicksand and left him for dead. Thankfully a beggar from a nearby town had followed him and saved him from the quicksand just as a nearby volcano erupted...seemingly ending the invasion of the alien "Nightmare Trees" before it began.
Appearing in "Behind My Door Waits... Medusa!"
Featured Characters:
- Unnamed Curio Shop Owner (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed Customer
- Medusa
- Robber (Main story and flashback)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Curio Shop
Synopsis for "Behind My Door Waits... Medusa!"
A man keeps Medusa locked behind a door, much to the regret of a thief who forces him to open the vault at gunpoint thinking that there are valuables inside.

Appearing in "I Am the Shaggy Creature"
Featured Characters:
- Professor Victor Phillips
Supporting Characters:
- Gargantus (Gorilla)
Other Characters:
- Unidentified Police Department
Races and Species:
- Earth
- United States of America
- Wartville
- United States of America
Synopsis for "I Am the Shaggy Creature"
A scientist on the run from the law, he creates a serum in order to evade capture not realizing that it'll be his own undoing.
- This entire issue is collected and reprinted in the Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales of Suspense hardcover collection.
- "I Brought the Mighty Cyclops Back to Life!" is reprinted in Where Monsters Dwell #1.
- "I Was Trapped in Nightmare Valley" is reprinted in Where Monsters Dwell #4.
- "Behind My Door Waits... Medusa!" is reprinted in Where Monsters Dwell #4.