Marvel Database

Quote1 Fools! This entire world is just an illusion! And I, Gorak, have created it all for my own amusement! Quote2

Appearing in "Chapter One - I Created the Colossus! / Chapter Two - The Colossus Lives! / Chapter Three - The Power of the Colossus!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Kigor Spaceships

Synopsis for "Chapter One - I Created the Colossus! / Chapter Two - The Colossus Lives! / Chapter Three - The Power of the Colossus!"

Boris Petrovsky sculpts a Colossus as a monument for the Soviet Union. He has completed the statue and is awaiting the apparatchik who will give it the Party's approval. One night a UFO crashes near his home, and Petrovsky finds a crustaceanoid from the world of Kigor. To survive on Earth, it transfers its consciousness into the hundred-foot statue. Somehow it can make the statue move, and the Kigor (possibly still in pain) goes on a rampage in Moscow. The Red Army fails to stop it. Only when another Kigor ship arrives and rescues the first one does the statue stop.

Tales of Suspense Vol 1 14 001

Appearing in "The Comic"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Journey Into Unknown Worlds #45

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Comic"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Journey Into Unknown Worlds #45

A successful television comedian battles with his emotions to decide whether he should stay at his current job making good money but doing prepared skits that bore him, or quitting and going back on tour. He finally leaves, changes his name, and is much happier doing so.

Appearing in "I am... Gorak!"

Featured Characters:

  • Gorak

Races and Species:



  • Comic Book

Synopsis for "I am... Gorak!"

A master illusionist performs to the world showing his awesome powers and then breaks the fourth wall to address the reader directly with a threat that the reader will disappear now that Gorak has stopped thinking of him/her. Gorak fades away instead, surprised, as the last panel shows the comic book has been set down now the story has reached its end.

Tales of Suspense Vol 1 14 020


See Also

Links and References

