“Warriors--stand you back!! Let there be room--! Room for the most potent, destructive weapon ever created!! Appear!! Your master commands--! Hah! I need not fear a hundred Hulks!! Nothing that lives can survive the attack of my robotic multi-powered Octo-Sapien!!”
Appearing in "To the Death!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Empire of Atlantis
- ⏴ Lady Dorma ⏵
- Atlantean Army
- Unnamed Soldier
- ⏴ Lord Vashti ⏵
Other Characters:
- Neptune (Mentioned in narration)
- Three unnamed seismologists
Races and Species:
- Robots
- Fish
- Mutant Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Atlanteans
- Humans
- Eels
- Whales (Mentioned)
- Octopuses
- Earth
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantis
- Quagmire of Doom (First appearance)
- Atlantis
- North America
- United States of America
- New York
- Puppet Master's Sanctum
- New York
- United States of America
- Atlantic Ocean
- Psychic Clay
- Behemoth Puppet (First appearance)
- Iron Gates of Atlantis (First appearance; destruction)
- Mono-Scout Craft
- Krang's Battle Cruiser
Synopsis for "To the Death!"
Continued from last issue...
Returning to Atlantis, Lady Dorma and the Sub-Mariner find themselves confronted by the Behemoth, a giant creature that has broken free from its prison below Atlantis and is now on a rampage through the ocean. Unknown to them the creature is under the control of exiled Warlord Krang who is using a puppet created by the Puppet Master to control the beast. Namor sends Dorma ahead to Atlantis while he battles the monster.
As the Sub-Mariner struggles in battle against the Behemoth, the Puppet Master reminds Krang that he would allow him to go unharmed if he gave him a puppet to control the creature. Finding the Puppet Master beneath him, Krang angrily dismisses him. This proves to be his undoing as at that moment Namor summons electric eels to shot the Behemoth. This shock transfers back to the doll, causing a jolt of electricity that makes Krang drop the puppet breaking it and relinquishing his control over the gargantuan beast.
While the Behemoth is distracted, Namor swims around the creature as fast as possible, luring it to the Quagmire of Doom where the monster sinks to its apparent demise. As the Sub-Mariner heads back to his kingdom, Krang arrives there before him and confronts Lady Dorma. Showing her the useless puppet of the Behemoth, he bluffs her into believing that he is still in full control of the creature and that if she wishes Namor to live, she is to leave with him to get married at once. Not wishing harm to come to her true love, Dorma agrees and leaves.
Before going, she contacts Lord Vashti to tell him that she is leaving to marry Warlord Krang, but doesn't explain why and terminates the video call. This leaves Vashti to tell Namor the bad news when he arrives from his successful battle against the Behemoth.
This story is continued next issue...
Appearing in "They Dwell in the Depths!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Races and Species:
- Earth
- North America
- Subterranea
- Tyrannus' Science Building (First appearance; unnamed)
- Fountain of Youth
- Octo-Sapien (First appearance)
- Matter Transformer (First appearance)
- Ice Gun (First appearance)
- Mole Man's Staff
- Air-Cycles (First appearance)
Synopsis for "They Dwell in the Depths!"
While hiding out in the desert, the Hulk is suddenly teleported into the subterranean lair of his old foe Tyrannus. Tyrannus has reverted into an old man due to his inability to access the Fountain of Youth which is currently occupied by his foe the Mole Man. When Tyrannus asks the Hulk to help beat the Mole Man, Hulk refuses.
Hoping to get the Hulk to cooperate, Tyrannus kidnaps Rick Jones, Glenn Talbot, and Betty Ross. The Mole Man prepares to strike at his foe with his octo-droid. When Tyrannus tries to coerce the Hulk into doing his bidding by showing him his prisoners, Hulk isn't interested as he considers all who have been captured as the people who hound him. When Betty mentions Banner's name, the Hulk goes on a rampage.
During said rampage, Rick and the others are freed, and the Mole Man attacks with his octo-droid. The battle carries Hulk and the robot to the Fountain of Youth and ends with both plunging into it followed by a large explosion. The end result destroys the Mole Man's robot and changes the Hulk back into Bruce Banner. Banner wanders out of the Mole Man's lair wondering how long he will remain human.
Continuity Notes[]
They Dwell in the Depths!
- Tyrannus mentions his previous clash with the Hulk in Incredible Hulk #5.
- The Mole Man mentions he has tried to conquer the surface world multiple times. By this time these attempts occurred in Fantastic Four #1, 22, 31, Avengers #12, Spider-Man Human Torch #1, Avengers #17, Fantastic Four Annual #3, and X-Men First Class (Vol. 2) #6.
Legacy Numbering[]
- Based on the Marvel Legacy renumbering infographic, this issue corresponds to Incredible Hulk #80.