Marvel Database

Alignment good my ass --Xion1212 03:07, 6 April 2009 (UTC)xion1212

liberal bias

This is not Wikipedia damn it so can we loose the liberal bias .If barack obama's page gets an alignment of good then bush should get one too or obama should be changed to neutral

Unless every one here is cowards and are afraid of being called racists. Since that is the only defense that obama cultist seem to have .--Xion1212 03:27, 6 April 2009 (UTC)xion

As the guy who created this page, I assure you liberal bias had nothing to do with it. I called him good because, in comparison Evil characters such as Doctor Doom or the Red Skull, I thought Good seemed to work in context. It seemed like a good idea that made sense at the time. That's all. If that was bad judgment, well oops, sorry. I'm only human. I didn't give it that much thought, to be honest. All you had to do was make the correction and I doubt anyone would have minded. We value your input, but please remember to keep a civil tone with other users in our community. We're not really interested in this kind of debate here. Cheers!--Max 04:56, 6 April 2009 (UTC)


Please guys, no more O-Man nonsense.--Max 03:54, 1 May 2009 (UTC)


i take it weird that all the presidents were real during the modern time, yet they never handled any situaion, like the secret invasion, kang dynasty, or about a ton of other events

In a lot of instances, they just aren't shown. I mean, Mr. Fantastic, Yellowjacket, and Iron Man met in the White House when they were drafting the legislation that led to the Initiative. They certainly weren't just hanging around there, they were meeting with the President. We've also seen Obama dealing with Osborn during the Dark Reign and during the precursor steps leading to Siege. MOST real characters don't have large roles in comics because, let's face it...who wants to read about them when you can read about the comic characters?
--GrnMarvl14 03:36, February 24, 2010 (UTC)

Recommend for deletion

Real heads of state do pop up from time to time (see Uncanny X-Men #150), and the proper way to handle this is to note their appearance in 'other characters' without hyperlink. I see no reason for a Barack Obama page to exist unless he has an existence in the marvel universe distinct from his real existence. If its just an appearance of a real character, people can use real information to tell them who that character is. --Squirrelloid 05:11, May 11, 2010 (UTC)

We certainly don't need their real world history, but Obama was in charge when Osborn took over, was part of a plot by Osborn that involved an attack on Air Force One, and welcomed Steve Rogers back from the "dead", and essentially told him to take Osborn down.
--GrnMarvl14 13:27, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
And its fun to track this stuff. What's the harm?--Max 15:25, May 11, 2010 (UTC)